forked from FarmMaps/FarmMapsApiClient
1007 B
1007 B
1 | KPIid | KPIvariable | Description |
2 | A1 | yield | observed yield (user input) |
3 | B1 | nitrogen | Nitrogen surplus = N fertilizer + N atmospheric deposition + N fixation by crop - N removal through harvested product. Calculated KPI internal model & parameters and from user input: yield and fertilizer applications |
4 | B2 | phosphate | Phosphate surplus = P fertilizer - P removal through harvested product. Calculated KPI internal model & parameters and from user input: yield and fertilizer applications |
5 | C1 | organic matter supply | Organic matter surplus = Organic matter from manure + Crop residues to soil - organic matter removal through harvested product. Calculated KPI internal model & parameters and from user input: yield and manure applications |
6 | D1 | pesticides | ? |
7 | KPItargetvalue | target value as in benchmark value for same crop in same region | |
8 | KPIthresholdValue | threshold from ??? Ask farmmaps. Surplus nitrogen / phosphate / pesticides must not be above threshold. Surplus organic matter supply must be above threshold |