convert hourly to daily with wilco's new changes for weather2.
All checks were successful
FarmMaps.Develop/FarmMapsLib/pipeline/head This commit looks good

This commit is contained in:
Mark [extern] 2020-07-22 23:04:06 +02:00
parent e057e463bd
commit 9697e93915
2 changed files with 57 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
export interface WeatherData {
time: Date;
minTemp: number;
maxTemp: number;
relativeHumidity: number;
rain: number;
wspd?: number;
wdir_cardinal?: string;
wdir?: number;
date: Date;
iconCode: number;
minTemperature: number;
maxTemperature: number;
relHumidity: number;
precipitation: number;
wSpeed: number;
wCardinal: string;
wDir: number;

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@ -54,28 +54,65 @@ export class WeatherService {
const sd = encodeURIComponent(this.removeUTCZ(startDate));
const ed = encodeURIComponent(this.removeUTCZ(endDate));
const historical = `${endpoint}${this.apiObservation}/?c=${centroid[0]},${centroid[1]}&sd=${sd}&ed=${ed}&interval=daily&key=${apiKey}`;
const forecast = `${endpoint}${this.apiForecast}/?c=${centroid[0]},${centroid[1]}&interval=daily&key=${apiKey}`;
const historical = `${endpoint}${this.apiObservation}/?c=${centroid[0]},${centroid[1]}&sd=${sd}&ed=${ed}&t=observation&interval=hourly&key=${apiKey}`;
const forecast = `${endpoint}${this.apiForecast}/?c=${centroid[0]},${centroid[1]}&interval=hourly&key=${apiKey}`;
return this.httpClient.get<any[]>(historical).pipe(
map(h =>,
map(h => => ({...d, rain: d.rainPastHour}))),
switchMap(h => {
return this.httpClient.get<any[]>(forecast)
map(f => [...h, ...f.filter(fd => <= endDate)
map(f => this.hourlyToDaily([...h, ...f.filter(fd => fd.time <= endDate)])
private createWeatherDataFromHistorical(hd): WeatherData {
return {time:, minTemp: hd.minimumTemperature,
maxTemp: hd.maximumTemperature, relativeHumidity: hd.relativeHumidity, rain: hd.precipitation};
private hourlyToDaily(hourlyWeatherData: any[]): WeatherData[] {
const days = this.groupBy(hourlyWeatherData, hi => hi.time.split('T')[0]);
return Object.entries(days)
.reduce ( (result, entry) => {
const wData = entry[1];
const sortData = wData.sort(d => new Date(d.time).getHours() - 12);
const closestToTwelveOClockData = sortData[0];
if (closestToTwelveOClockData.length === 0) {
return result;
const bestCardinal = closestToTwelveOClockData.windDirectionCardinal;
const bestWindDirection = closestToTwelveOClockData.windDirection;
const bestIconCode = closestToTwelveOClockData.iconCode;
return [
date: entry[0],
iconCode: bestIconCode,
minTemperature: Math.min( => d.temperature)),
maxTemperature: Math.max( => d.temperature)),
relHumidity: wData.reduce( (r, e) => r + e.relativeHumidity, 0) / wData.length,
precipitation: wData.reduce( (r, e) => r + e.rain, 0) * 10,
wSpeed: wData.reduce( (r, e) => r + e.windSpeed, 0) / wData.length,
wDir: bestWindDirection,
wCardinal: bestCardinal
}, []);
private createWeatherDataFromForecast(fd): WeatherData {
return {time:, minTemp: fd.minimumTemperature,
maxTemp: fd.maximumTemperature, relativeHumidity: fd.relativeHumidity, rain: fd.rain};
private groupBy(items: any[], selector: (item) => any): any[] {
return items.reduce(
(result, item) => {
const group = selector(item);
return ({
[group]: [
...(result[group] || []),
private removeUTCZ(dateFormat: string): string {