replaced "applianceXXX" with "applicationXXX" #3

mark merged 1 commits from :master into master 2020-05-04 11:59:09 +00:00

I synchronized my fork with the master. Then I made some (trifling) changes to test the process of forking, synchronizing, editing, committing, pushing, and creating a new pull-request.

I synchronized my fork with the master. Then I made some (trifling) changes to test the process of forking, synchronizing, editing, committing, pushing, and creating a new pull-request.
mark approved these changes 2020-04-29 13:50:48 +00:00

Is this still WIP? I cant merge it with the WIP tag 👍

Is this still WIP? I cant merge it with the WIP tag :+1:
mark changed title from WIP: replaced "applianceXXX" with "applicationXXX" to replaced "applianceXXX" with "applicationXXX" 2020-05-04 11:59:02 +00:00
mark closed this pull request 2020-05-04 11:59:09 +00:00
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Reference: FarmMaps/FarmMapsApiClient#3
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