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VRAHerbicide API

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FarmMaps is an asynchronous architecture, the API flow keeps this in mind. The API expects that all data is already processed and available provided, for example through the normal FarmMaps flow (frontend).

For the currently available public FarmMaps API you can take a look at swagger:

Input preperation

  • Users can upload their own data if needed. (in case of when FarmMaps has not processed the required data).
    • The farmmaps file API can be used for this.

Users can poll the task api to see if a task is completed
This can be achieved with the task execution id obtained from calling the 'ItemTask' API.
Poll task status

Users can query the API for child items of a cropfield to see what items it has.

API flow

  • Authenticate User
  • Optional steps
    • Create cropfield through FarmMaps API
      • Item 'vnd.farmmaps.itemtype.cropfield' must be created with its data as specified in the api.
      • Task 'vnd.farmmaps.task.workflow' can be executed if needed to aggregate all needed data.
        • This is an asynchronous process and can take a while before all data is collected in FarmMaps.
    • Upload own data
      • IF shape data, convert to geotiff.
  • Querying predefined herbicide agents (to use as input for the task).
  • Task 'vnd.farmmaps.task.vrahaulmkilling' must be executed to create an application map.
  • Task 'vnd.farmmaps.task.taskmap' can be executed to create a taskmap.
  • Download item data (tiff of shape)




Create Cropfield
Upload Data

Transform shape to geotiff

The VRAHerbicide task only processes tiff items as input.
If your input data is a processed shape file it first needs to be converted to geotiff, this can be done with the 'ShapeToGeoTiffTask'.

Pass the code of the shape item into the {code} parameter, this creates a new item with tiff data as the parent of the shape item.
This new geotiff item should be used as input to the a task.


POST /api/v1/items/{code}/tasks
  "taskType": "vnd.farmmaps.task.shapetogeotiff"

Response 201

  "code": "string",
  "taskType": "vnd.farmmaps.task.shapetogeotiff"

Response 400 Tasktype not found
Response 401 Not authenticated
Response 403 No WRITE permissions in item
Response 404 Item not found

Querying predefined haulmkilling agents.

A list of haulmkilling agents can be requested by getting the "vnd.farmmaps.package.vra.haulmkilling" item and reading it's data field 'agents' array content.


GET /api/v1/items/?it=vnd.farmmaps.package.vra.haulmkilling

Response 201

    "code": "....",
    // ....
        "agents": [
                "name": "spotlightplus",
                "values": {
                    "ndvi": [
                            "max": 0.95,
                            "min": 0.3,
                            "fexp": 1.35,
                            "fmul": 0.3,
                            "option": "risk.standard"
                            "max": 0.9,
                            "min": 0.25,
                            "fexp": 1.39,
                            "fmul": 0.25,
                            "option": "risk.low"
                            "max": 1,
                            "min": 0.35,
                            "fexp": 1.3,
                            "fmul": 0.36,
                            "option": "risk.high"
                    "wdvi": [
                            "max": 0.95,
                            "min": 0.3,
                            "fexp": 2.97,
                            "fmul": 0.3,
                            "option": "risk.standard"
                            "max": 0.9,
                            "min": 0.25,
                            "fexp": 2.97,
                            "fmul": 0.25,
                            "option": "risk.low"
                            "max": 1,
                            "min": 0.35,
                            "fexp": 2.97,
                            "fmul": 0.36,
                            "option": "risk.high"
                "supportedOptions": [
        "validOptions": [

Response 400 Itemtype not found
Response 401 Not authenticated
Response 403 No READ permissions in item
Response 404 Items not found

The data structure contains the haulmkilling agents and the valid options available in farmmaps.
Each agent contains a list of supported options and a key value map of constants.
The key is a supported inputtype (wdvi, ndvi) and the value is a list of constant objects like so:

    "name": "agentName",
    "values": {
        "ndvi": [
                "max": 0.9,
                "min": 0.25,
                "fexp": 2.97,
                "fmul": 0.25,
                "option": "risk.low"
                "max": 0.95,
                "min": 0.3,
                "fexp": 1.35,
                "fmul": 0.3,
                "option": "risk.standard"
        "wdvi": [{...}]

Each constant value object has an 'option' associated with it that should also be within the 'validOptions' list of the data structure.

Creating an application map with the VRAHaulmkilling task

Execute the task with the item code of the cropfield as parameter inside {code}.
Use the input map code inside {itemCode}, specifying an inputCode for the input data item.

{itemCode} needs the code of the data input item passed into it.

The resulting application map will be created as a child item of the cropfield item (this can be queried).


POST /api/v1/items/{code}/tasks
  "taskType": "vnd.farmmaps.task.vrahaulmkilling",
  "attributes": {
      "inputCode": "{itemCode}",
      "inputType": "wdvi",
      "agentName": "reglone",
      "selectedOption": "risk.standard"

Response 201

  "code": "string", // code of task operation, can be queried for status
  "taskType": "vnd.farmmaps.task.vrahaulmkilling",
  "attributes": {
      "inputCode": "{itemCode}",
      "inputType": "wdvi",
      "agentName": "reglone",
      "selectedOption": "risk.standard"

Response 400 Tasktype not found
Response 401 Not authenticated
Response 403 No WRITE permissions in item
Response 404 Item not found

Create taskmap

Create Taskmap

Download the data

In case the data is available it can be downloaded with the File API.


GET /api/v1/items/{itemcode}/data