"use strict"; /// *** Core app scripts ***/// // ** Constants and variables definition ** // // Search query const searchQuery = 'fl_label_{0}:({1}*)^3.0 OR fl_definition_{0}:({1}*)^1.0'; // Element name constants const elementId_resultsContainer = 'resultsContainer'; const elementId_dynamicFacetsContainer = 'dynamic-facets-container'; const elementId_previousPageLink = 'previous-page-link'; const elementId_nextPageLink = 'next-page-link'; const elementId_paginationContainer = 'paginationContainer'; const elementId_buttonClearAll = 'btn-clear-all'; const elementId_buttonRefineResults = 'btn-refine-results'; const elementId_facetForm = 'facet-form'; const elementId_selectedFacet = 'selected-facet'; const elementClassName_searchResultsCount = 'search-results-count'; const elementClassName_searchResultsCountCurrentPage = 'search-results-count-current-page'; const elementClassName_hrSearchResults = 'ecl-u-mv-none'; const elementClassName_selectedFacetItem = 'selected-facet-item'; // Key contants const key_errorFetch = 's-error-fetch'; const key_pageParameter = 'p'; const key_facetParameter = 'f'; const key_searchResultsTitle = 's-search-results'; const key_facetTitlePrefix = 's-facet-title-'; const key_searchResultsCurrentPageTitle = 's-search-results-current-page'; const key_facetAllLabel = 's-facet-all'; const key_solrResultFieldLabelPrefix = 'fl_label_'; const key_solrResultFieldDefinitionPrefix = 'fl_definition_'; const key_solrResultFieldDescritpionPrefix = 'fl_description_'; const key_searchRegisterLabel = 's-search-register-label'; const key_searchNoResultsFound = 's-search-no-result-found'; const key_paginationPrevious = 's-pagination-previous'; const key_paginationNext = 's-pagination-next'; const key_paginationPage = 's-pagination-page'; const key_paginationGoToPage = 's-pagination-gotopage'; const key_paginationGoToPreviousPage = 's-pagination-gotopreviouspage'; const key_paginationGoToNextPage = 's-pagination-gotonextpage'; const key_facetParamSeparator = '+'; const key_facetParamKeyValueSeparator = ':'; const key_facetParamValueSplitter = /:(.+)?/; const key_selectedFacetFirst = 'ecl-u-ml-lg-m ecl-u-mt-m ecl-u-mt-lg-none'; const key_dataFacetParameter = 'facetparameter'; const key_JsonObjectFieldKeyFq = 'fq'; const key_value = 'value'; const key_selected = 'selected'; const key_facetPrefix = 'facet-'; const key_option = 'option'; const key_all = '*' // Value constants const val_paginationManySeparator = '...'; // HTML snippet constants const htmlSnippet_facet = '
'; const htmlSnippet_option = ''; const htmlSnippet_option_selected = ''; const htmlSnippet_searchResults = '



'; const htmlSnippet_searchNoResults = '
'; const htmlSnippet_paginationUl = ''; const htmlSnippet_paginationPrevious = '
  • {2}
  • '; const htmlSnippet_paginationNext = '
  • {2}
  • '; const htmlSnippet_currentPage = '
  • {0}{1} {0}
  • '; const htmlSnippet_page = '
  • {1}
  • '; const htmlSnippet_paginationLi = '
  • {0}
  • '; const htmlSnippet_selectedFacetElement = '{1}'; const htmlSnippet_href = '{1}'; const htmlSnippet_hr = '
    '; // Event name constants // Regular expression constants // Global variables // Facets const searchFacets = { register_itemclass_localid: { type: 'terms', field: 'register_itemclass_localid', limit: -1 }, status_uri: { type: 'terms', field: 'status_uri', limit: -1 } }; // ** Script body ** // /* * Fetch Re3gistry data * * @param {String} uri The uri of the item to retrieve * @param {String} lang The language of the data */ function fetchData(uri, lang, startFrom, searchTerm, facetParam) { if (uri === null || typeof uri === val_undefined || uri.length === 0) { uri = uriFromUrl; } if (lang === null || typeof lang === val_undefined || lang.length === 0) { lang = currentLanguage; } // Getting the search query if (searchTerm === null || typeof searchTerm === val_undefined || searchTerm.length === 0) { searchTerm = getUrlParameter(key_searchParameter); if (searchTerm === null || typeof searchTerm === val_undefined || searchTerm.length === 0) { searchTerm = key_all; } else { // Setting the search therm in the search box updateSearchBox(searchTerm); } } else { // Setting the search therm in the search box updateSearchBox(searchTerm); } // Getting the results page (if available) if (startFrom === null || typeof startFrom === val_undefined || isNaN(startFrom)) { startFrom = getUrlParameter(key_pageParameter); if (startFrom === null || typeof startFrom === val_undefined || isNaN(startFrom)) { startFrom = 1 } } // Getting eventrual facet parameter if (facetParam === null || typeof facetParam === val_undefined) { facetParam = getUrlParameter(key_facetParameter); if (facetParam === null || typeof facetParam === val_undefined) { facetParam = val_emptyString; } } // Preparing the search expression let queryEncoded = searchQuery.split('{0}').join(currentLanguage).split('{1}').join(searchTerm); // Preparing the query let queryParameters = { q: queryEncoded, start: (startFrom - 1) * registryApp.maxSearchResultsPerPage, rows: registryApp.maxSearchResultsPerPage, wt: key_json, facet: val_true, 'json.facet': JSON.stringify(searchFacets) }; // Adding eventual cfacet query to the query parameters let facetParamArray = parseFacetParam(facetParam); queryParameters = addFacetParamToQuery(facetParamArray, queryParameters); // Setting the traditional style of param serialization $.ajaxSetup({traditional: true}); // Performing the request $.ajax({ // Base URL of the service taken from the configuration url: registryApp.searchApiURL, data: queryParameters, dataType: key_json }).done(function (responseData) { // Rendering the HTML renderData(responseData, searchTerm, facetParamArray, facetParam); // Binding UI events bindCommonEvents(); bindEvents(); }).fail(function (data) { // Clearing the intrerface renderData(data, null, null, null); // Error handler renderFetchError(data.responseJSON); }); } /* * Render the succesful response from the service * * @param {Json} data The Re3gistry json data */ function renderData(data, searchTerm, facetParamArray, facetParam) { if (data !== null && typeof data !== val_undefined) { // Rendering the results counts renderSearchResultsCount(data); renderSearchResultsCountCurrentPage(data); // Rendering the facets renderFacets(data, facetParamArray); renderSelectedFacets(facetParamArray); // Rendering the results renderResults(data, searchTerm); // Render pages links renderPagesLinks(data, searchTerm, facetParam); } else { // If there is an error on the service respose, rendering the error renderServiceError(data); } } /* * Bind the events for the elements dynamically created after the search api request */ function bindEvents() { // // Event associated to the "Search" button // $('#' + elementId_buttonSearch).on(eventName_click, function (e) { // e.preventDefault(); // performSearch(); // }); // Event associated to the "Clear all" button (to clear all the facets) $('#' + elementId_buttonClearAll).on(eventName_click, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); clearAllFacets(); }); // Event associated to the "Refine results" button $('#' + elementId_buttonRefineResults).on(eventName_click, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); refineResults(); }); // Event fired once a facet is removed from the list of selected facets $('.' + elementClassName_selectedFacetItem).on(eventName_click, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); removeFacet($(this)); }); } /* * Remove the facet from the list of selected facets * * @param {Object} item The button item */ function removeFacet(item) { let facetParam = item.data(key_dataFacetParameter); // Selecting the empty option $('#' + key_facetPrefix + facetParam + ' ' + key_option).each(function () { if ($(this).prop(key_value) === val_emptyString) { $(this).prop(key_selected, key_selected); } }); // Refining the results with the empty option selected refineResults(); } /* * This method updates the search box (reading from the "q" url parameter) */ function updateSearchBox(searchTerm) { let searchInputElement = $('#' + elementId_searchForm); searchInputElement.val(searchTerm); } /* * This method is used to refine the results using the eventual facets selected */ function refineResults() { let searchBoxElement = $('#' + elementId_searchForm); // Getting the selected facets let facetSelects = $('#' + elementId_facetForm + ' ' + key_option + ':' + key_selected); let facetUrlParams = val_emptyString; let i = 0; // Cycling on the selected facets for (let tmpSelect of facetSelects) { // If the selected facet is not empty (not the "All" option), creating // the url param if ($(tmpSelect).val().trim().length > 0) { if (i !== 0) { facetUrlParams += key_facetParamSeparator; } facetUrlParams += $(tmpSelect).val(); i++; } } // Composing the URL to call window.location.href = registryApp.searchURL + '?' + key_searchParameter + '=' + searchBoxElement.val() + ((facetUrlParams.length > 0) ? '&' + key_facetParameter + '=' + facetUrlParams : ''); } /* * This method is used to clear all the selected facets */ function clearAllFacets() { let searchBoxElement = $('#' + elementId_searchForm); window.location.href = registryApp.searchURL + '?' + key_searchParameter + '=' + searchBoxElement.val(); } /* * This method is used to parse the facet parameter from the URL * * @param {String} facetParam THe facet parameter from the URL */ function parseFacetParam(facetParam) { let facetParameterArray = []; // Splitting using the separator betweeb different facets let tmpParams = facetParam.split(key_facetParamSeparator); for (let tmpParam of tmpParams) { // Splitting using the separator between key/values let tmpKeyVal = tmpParam.split(key_facetParamValueSplitter); // Adding the facet to the array of selected facets (if not empty - not the "All" option) if (tmpKeyVal !== null && typeof tmpKeyVal !== val_undefined && tmpKeyVal.length > 1) { facetParameterArray.push(tmpKeyVal); } } return facetParameterArray; } /* * This method is used to add the facet parameters to the standard query * parameters (json object) * * @param {Json} queryParameters The json object representing the * query parameters (for jQuery ajax call) * @param {Array} facetParamArray The array containing the key value pair * for the selected facets */ function addFacetParamToQuery(facetParamArray, queryParameters) { if (facetParamArray !== null && typeof facetParamArray !== val_undefined) { // Adding any eventual facets to the query let tmpParam = []; for (let param of facetParamArray) { tmpParam.push(param[0] + key_facetParamKeyValueSeparator + '"' + param[1] + '"'); } queryParameters[key_JsonObjectFieldKeyFq] = tmpParam; } return queryParameters; } /* * Update the search results count * * @param {Json} data The search API response */ function renderSearchResultsCount(data) { // Getting the search results UI element let searchResultsCountContainer = $('.' + elementClassName_searchResultsCount); let tmpText = i18n[key_searchResultsTitle]; if (data.response !== null && typeof data.response !== val_undefined && data.response.numFound !== null && typeof data.response.numFound !== val_undefined) { tmpText = tmpText.replace('{0}', data.response.numFound); } else { tmpText = tmpText.replace('{0}', 0); } searchResultsCountContainer.html(tmpText); } /* * Update the search results count for this page * * @param {Json} data The search API response */ function renderSearchResultsCountCurrentPage(data) { // Getting the search results current page UI element let searchResultsCountCurrentPageContainer = $('.' + elementClassName_searchResultsCountCurrentPage); let tmpText = i18n[key_searchResultsCurrentPageTitle]; if (data.response !== null && typeof data.response !== val_undefined && data.response.start !== null && typeof data.response.start !== val_undefined && data.response.numFound !== null && typeof data.response.numFound !== val_undefined && data.response.numFound > 0) { tmpText = tmpText.replace('{0}', data.response.start + 1).replace('{1}', data.response.start + registryApp.maxSearchResultsPerPage); } else { tmpText = val_emptyString; } searchResultsCountCurrentPageContainer.html(tmpText); } /* * Rendering the facets element (left menu) * * @param {Json} data The search API response * @param {Array} facetParamArray The array containing the key value pair * for the selected facets */ function renderFacets(data, facetParamArray) { let dynamicFacetsContainer = $('#' + elementId_dynamicFacetsContainer); let clearAllElement = $('#' + elementId_buttonClearAll); let refineResultsElement = $('#' + elementId_buttonRefineResults); // Hiding contols clearAllElement.hide(); refineResultsElement.hide(); let htmlOut = val_emptyString; if (data.facets !== null && typeof data.facets !== val_undefined) { // Generating html (select) for each facet for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data.facets)) { if (typeof value === val_object) { htmlOut += htmlSnippet_facet.split('{0}').join(key) .replace('{1}', i18n[key_facetTitlePrefix + key]); let tmpOptions = generateFacetsOptions(value.buckets, key, facetParamArray); htmlOut = htmlOut.replace('{2}', tmpOptions); } } // Showing the control button only if at least one facet is available if (htmlOut !== val_emptyString) { clearAllElement.show(); refineResultsElement.show(); } } dynamicFacetsContainer.html(htmlOut); } /* * Check if a specific facet value has been selected in the html select * * @param {Array} facetParamArray The array containing the key value pair * for the selected facets * @param {String} val The value to be checked */ function checkSelected(facetParamArray, val) { for (let tmp of facetParamArray) { if (tmp[1] === val) { return true; } } return false; } /* * Rendering the facets options * * @param {Json} bucket data from the facets */ function generateFacetsOptions(buckets, key, facetParamArray) { let htmlOut = val_emptyString; // Generate the empty selection option htmlOut = htmlSnippet_option.replace('{0}', val_emptyString).replace('{1}', i18n[key_facetAllLabel]).replace('{2}', val_emptyString); if (buckets !== null && typeof buckets !== val_undefined) { for (let bucket of buckets) { if (checkSelected(facetParamArray, bucket.val)) { htmlOut += htmlSnippet_option_selected.replace('{0}', key + ':' + bucket.val).replace('{1}', bucket.val).replace('{2}', '(' + bucket.count + ')'); } else { htmlOut += htmlSnippet_option.replace('{0}', key + ':' + bucket.val).replace('{1}', bucket.val).replace('{2}', '(' + bucket.count + ')'); } } } return htmlOut; } /* * Rendering the selected facets (under the search results counts) * * @param {Array} facetParamArray The array containing the key value pair * for the selected facets */ function renderSelectedFacets(facetParamArray) { let htmlOut = val_emptyString; let selectedFacetElement = $('#' + elementId_selectedFacet); if (facetParamArray !== null && typeof facetParamArray !== val_undefined) { let i = 0; for (let tmpParam of facetParamArray) { let tmpClass = val_emptyString; if (i !== 0) { tmpClass += key_selectedFacetFirst; } htmlOut += htmlSnippet_selectedFacetElement.replace('{0}', tmpClass).replace('{1}', i18n[key_facetTitlePrefix + tmpParam[0]]).replace('{2}', tmpParam[0]).split('{3}').join(tmpParam[1]); i++; } selectedFacetElement.html(htmlOut); } } /* * Function to render the search results * * @param {Json} data The search API response */ function renderResults(data, searchTerm) { // Getting the results container element let resultsContainer = $('#' + elementId_resultsContainer); let htmlOut = val_emptyString; if (data.response !== null && typeof data.response !== val_undefined && data.response.docs !== null && typeof data.response.docs !== val_undefined && data.response.docs.length > 0) { let i = 0; for (let result of data.response.docs) { // Handling the URI let tmpOut = htmlSnippet_searchResults.replace('{0}', result.uri); // Handling the label let tmpResLabel = checkField(result, key_solrResultFieldLabelPrefix, currentLanguage); tmpOut = tmpOut.replace('{1}', tmpResLabel); // Handling the register let tmpHref = result.register_itemclass_baseuri + '/' + result.register_itemclass_localid tmpOut = tmpOut.replace('{2}', i18n[key_searchRegisterLabel] + ': ' + renderHref(tmpHref,tmpHref)); // Handling definition let tmpResDefinition = checkField(result, key_solrResultFieldDefinitionPrefix, currentLanguage); if (tmpResDefinition.length > 0) { tmpOut = tmpOut.replace('{3}', tmpResDefinition); } else { // Trying to show the description in case the definition is not available let tmpResDescription = checkField(result, key_solrResultFieldDescritpionPrefix, currentLanguage); tmpOut = tmpOut.replace('{3}', tmpResDescription); } if (i !== 0) { htmlOut += renderHr(elementClassName_hrSearchResults); } htmlOut += tmpOut; i++; } } else { //No results htmlOut = htmlSnippet_searchNoResults.replace('{0}', i18n[key_searchNoResultsFound]).replace('{1}', searchTerm); } resultsContainer.html(htmlOut); } /* * The method checks if a field is available in the current language otherwise it check if * the default language is available (otherwise it returns empty string) * * @param {Json} data The search API response * @param {String} fieldPrefix The prefix of the filed name (without language) * @param {String} language The language for the field to be checked */ function checkField(data, fieldPrefix, language) { let tmpString = data[fieldPrefix + language]; // If the field is not available in the current language if (tmpString === null || typeof tmpString === val_undefined || tmpString.lenght <= 0) { // If the language is not the default language, the check is relaunched // with the default language if (language !== registryApp.defaultLanguage) { tmpString = checkField(data, fieldPrefix, registryApp.defaultLanguage); } else { tmpString = val_emptyString; } } return tmpString; } /* * The method renders the pagination links * * @param {Json} data The search API response * @param {String} query Thesearch query (search term from the search box) * @param {Array} facetParamArray The array containing the key value pair * for the selected facets */ function renderPagesLinks(data, query, facetParam) { let htmlOut = val_emptyString; let paginationContainer = $('#' + elementId_paginationContainer); if (data.response !== null && typeof data.response !== val_undefined && data.response.numFound !== null && typeof data.response.numFound !== val_undefined && data.response.numFound > 0) { let currentPageNumber = Math.ceil(data.response.start / registryApp.maxSearchResultsPerPage) + 1; let totalPages = Math.ceil(data.response.numFound / registryApp.maxSearchResultsPerPage); // Previous page link if (+currentPageNumber > 1) { if (+currentPageNumber === 2) { htmlOut += htmlSnippet_paginationPrevious.replace('{0}', i18n[key_paginationGoToPreviousPage]).replace('{1}', createSearchPageUrl((+currentPageNumber - 1), query, facetParam)).replace('{2}', i18n[key_paginationPrevious]); } else { htmlOut += htmlSnippet_paginationPrevious.replace('{0}', i18n[key_paginationGoToPreviousPage]).replace('{1}', createSearchPageUrl((+currentPageNumber - 1), query, facetParam)).replace('{2}', i18n[key_paginationPrevious]); } } else { htmlOut += val_emptyString; } // Inserting dots in case of many pages if ((+currentPageNumber - 2) > 1) { htmlOut += htmlSnippet_page.split('{0}').join(i18n[key_paginationGoToPage]).split('{1}').join(1).split('{2}').join(createSearchPageUrl(1, query, facetParam)); htmlOut += htmlSnippet_paginationLi.replace('{0}', val_paginationManySeparator); } // Rendering generic pages for (var i = +currentPageNumber - 2; i <= +currentPageNumber; i++) { if (i >= 1) { if (+currentPageNumber !== i) { htmlOut += htmlSnippet_page.split('{0}').join(i18n[key_paginationGoToPage]).split('{1}').join(i).split('{2}').join(createSearchPageUrl(i, query, facetParam)); } else { htmlOut += htmlSnippet_currentPage.split('{0}').join(i).split('{1}').join(i18n[key_paginationPage]); } } } for (var i = +currentPageNumber + 1; i <= +currentPageNumber + 2; i++) { if (i <= totalPages) { if (+currentPageNumber !== i) { htmlOut += htmlSnippet_page.split('{0}').join(i18n[key_paginationGoToPage]).split('{1}').join(i).split('{2}').join(createSearchPageUrl(i, query, facetParam)); } else { htmlOut += htmlSnippet_currentPage.split('{0}').join(i).split('{1}').join(i18n[key_paginationPage]); } } } if ((+currentPageNumber + 2) < totalPages) { htmlOut += htmlSnippet_paginationLi.replace('{0}', val_paginationManySeparator); htmlOut += htmlSnippet_page.split('{0}').join(i18n[key_paginationGoToPage]).split('{1}').join(totalPages).split('{2}').join(createSearchPageUrl(totalPages, query, facetParam)); } if (+currentPageNumber < totalPages) { htmlOut += htmlSnippet_paginationNext.replace('{0}', i18n[key_paginationGoToNextPage]).replace('{1}', createSearchPageUrl((+currentPageNumber + 1), query, facetParam)).replace('{2}', i18n[key_paginationNext]); } else { htmlOut += val_emptyString; } paginationContainer.html(htmlSnippet_paginationUl.replace('{0}', htmlOut)); } else { paginationContainer.html(val_emptyString); } } /* * This method creates the search page URL including the search query, page * and eventually the facets * * @param {Number} page The page number * @param {String} query The search query (search term from the search box) * @param {Array} facetParamArray The array containing the key value pair * for the selected facets */ function createSearchPageUrl(page, query, facetParam) { return registryApp.searchURL + '?' + key_searchParameter + '=' + encodeURIComponent(query) + '&' + key_pageParameter + '=' + page + ((facetParam.length > 0) ? '&' + key_facetParameter + '=' + facetParam : ''); } /* * Render the error response from the service * * @param {Json} data The Re3gistry json data */ function renderFetchError(data) { // Getting the container element let resultsContainer = $('#' + elementId_resultsContainer); // Clearing the conatiner resultsContainer.empty(); resultsContainer.append(htmlSnippet_errorMessage.replace('{0}', i18n[key_errorFetch])); // Initializing the ECL Message component after creating it let elt = document.querySelector('[' + key_dataEclMessage + ']'); let message = new ECL.Message(elt); message.init(); } /* * Render the error response from the service * * @param {Json} data The Re3gistry json data * @return {String} The rendered html of the error */ function renderServiceError(data) { let resultsContainer = $('#' + elementId_resultsContainer); // Clearing the conatiner resultsContainer.empty(); resultsContainer.append(htmlSnippet_errorMessage.replace('{0}', i18n[key_errorFetch])); // Initializing the ECL Message component after creating it let elt = document.querySelector('[' + key_dataEclMessage + ']'); let message = new ECL.Message(elt); message.init(); } /* * Render the href of the field in HTML * * @param {String} value The value of the field * @param {String} href The href of the field * @returns {String} The rendered href HTML element of the field * */ function renderHref(value, href) { return htmlSnippet_href.replace('{0}', href).replace('{1}', value); } /* * Render the HR * * @returns {String} The rendered HTML of the HR */ function renderHr(classString) { return htmlSnippet_hr.replace('{0}', classString); }