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2023-08-31 07:57:49 +00:00
"use strict";
/// *** Scripts to manage the localization ***///
// ** Constants and variables definition ** //
// Element name constants
//const elementId_languageSelector = 'ecl-language-list__button';
const elementClassName_languageListButtonActive = 'ecl-language-list__item--is-active';
const elementClassName_languagePrefixPattern = 'language-';
const elementClassName_selectedLangLabel = 'ecl-site-header__selector-link';
const elementClassName_selectedLangIcon = 'ecl-site-header__language-icon';
const elementClassName_selectedLangCodeText = 'ecl-site-header__language-code';
const elementClassName_dialogDismiss = 'ecl-language-list__close-button';
const elementClassName_eclsiteHeaderLogoImage = 'ecl-site-header__logo-image';
// Key contants
const key_i18n = 'i18n';
const key_i18nLink = 'i18n-link';
const key_dataLocalizationFilesPath = '/js-ecl-v2/i18n';
const key_languageLogoPattern = 'logo--{0}.ec.svg';
// Value constants
// HTML snippet constants
const htmlSnippet_iconSelected = '<svg focusable="false" aria-hidden="true" class="ecl-link__icon ecl-icon ecl-icon--xs"><use xlink:href="' + registryApp.hostURL + registryApp.staticResourcesPath + 'icons.svg#ui--check"></use></svg>';
// Event name constants
// Regular expression constants
const regularExpression_languagePrefix = /language-[aA-zZ]+/;
// Global variables
var languageFromUrl = val_emptyString;
var currentLanguage = val_emptyString;
var i18n;
// ** Script body ** //
* This method ititialize the language of the webapp
* The global variable currentLanguage is initialized with the language passed
* the 'selector' parameter or with the default webapp language taken from the
* configuration file.
* The UI is then updated with the selected language.
* @param {type} selector
function initLocalization(selector) {
let storedLanguage = val_emptyString;
// checking if there is the language passed by URL
if (languageFromUrl !== null && languageFromUrl.length === 2) {
currentLanguage = languageFromUrl;
} else {
// Checking if there is a language stored in the cookies
// if (navigator.cookieEnabled) {
// Getting the language stored in the cookie
storedLanguage = getCookie(key_cookieName_language);
// }
// Takes the cookie stored language if available, otherwise the default
currentLanguage = (storedLanguage !== val_emptyString) ? storedLanguage : getBrowserLanguage();
// Storing the language to the cookie if needed
if ((storedLanguage === null || typeof storedLanguage === val_undefined || storedLanguage === val_emptyString)
// && navigator.cookieEnabled
) {
// Storing the language in the cookie
setCookie(key_cookieName_language, currentLanguage, val_cookieExpirationDays);
// Getting the right language button if not passed by parameter.
if (selector === '' || typeof selector === val_undefined || selector === null) {
if (typeof currentLanguage === val_undefined) {
currentLanguage = 'en';
selector = $('.' + elementClassName_languageListButton + '[' + elementAttributeName_lang + '="' + currentLanguage + '"]');
// Loading the localization file for the current language
// Iinitializing the page elements with the language
* This method update the language of the webapp with the one selected by the
* user (using the language selector in the UI).
* @param {type} selector
function updateLanguage(selector) {
// Getting the new language selected
let newLanguage = selector.attr(elementAttributeName_lang);
if (newLanguage !== val_emptyString || typeof newLanguage !== val_undefined || newLanguage !== null) {
// Storing the new selected language in the cookie
setCookie(key_cookieName_language, newLanguage, val_cookieExpirationDays);
// Re-initializing the page elements with the new language
// Launch the update language relate actions
// Close the language dialog
$('.' + elementClassName_dialogDismiss).trigger(eventName_click);
* This method is called every time the language is changed.
function updateLanguageActions() {
// Update all the HTML element with the i18n data attribute available
// Update all the href element with the i18n-link data attribute available
// Fetching the data
* This method is handling the UI changes after a new language has been selected
* @param {DOM element} selector
function refreshSelectedLanguages(selector) {
if (currentLanguage === val_undefined) {
currentLanguage = 'en';
// Remove initial active classes and elements in the language selector dialog
$('.' + elementClassName_languageListButton).each(function () {
// Set the active language in the language selector dialog
// Update the HTML lang
$(elementName_html).attr(elementAttributeName_lang, currentLanguage);
// Update the main logo
$('.' + elementClassName_eclsiteHeaderLogoImage).attr(key_src, registryApp.hostURL + registryApp.staticResourcesPath + key_languageLogoPattern.replace('{0}', currentLanguage));
// Updating the selected text label and code
let currentLanguageLabel = selector.text();
let currentLinkHtml = $('.' + elementClassName_selectedLangLabel);
let spanLanguageCode = currentLinkHtml.find(elementName_span + '.' + elementClassName_selectedLangIcon);
$('.' + elementClassName_selectedLangCodeText).text(currentLanguage);
* This method loads the i18n localization file and fires the
* updateLanguageActions method
* @param {String} locale The locale file to load
function loadI18nFile(locale) {
if (currentLanguage === val_undefined) {
currentLanguage = 'en';
locale = 'en';
$.getJSON(registryApp.hostURL + key_dataLocalizationFilesPath + '/' + locale + '.' + key_json, function (data) {
// Stores the i18n Json object in the global variable i18n
i18n = data;
// Launch the methods related to the change locale action
.fail(function () {
// If the locale language file is not available, reading the
// default one
// console.log('Failed loading locale file. Reading the default one.');
* This method update all the HTML element with the i18n data attribute
* available with the text localized in the 'currentLanguage' localization
function updateDataI18nLocalization() {
// Getting all the elements that have the 'i18n' data attribute valorized
// The value of the i18n data attribute is the key to get the right text
// from the i18n localization file.
let el = $('*').filter(function () {
return typeof $(this).data(key_i18n) !== val_undefined;
// For each element retrieved, the text is updated with the new
// localized text
$.each(el, function () {
let localizationKey = $(this).data(key_i18n);
* This method update all the href element with the i18n data link attribute
* available with the link in the right language
function updateDataI18nLocalizationLinks() {
// Getting all the elements that have the 'i18n-link' data attribute valorized
// The value of the i18n-link data attribute is the key to get the right link
// from the i18n localization file.
let linkEl = $('*').filter(function () {
return typeof $(this).data(key_i18nLink) !== val_undefined;
// For each element retrieved, the link is updated with the new
// localized link
$.each(linkEl, function () {
let localizationKey = $(this).data(key_i18nLink);
$(this).attr('href', i18n[localizationKey].replace('{0}', currentLanguage));
* This method check and set the Browser language
* @returns {String} The 2 characters language of the browser if available
* otherwhise it returns the registryApp.defaultLanguage
function getBrowserLanguage() {
let userLang = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage;
if (userLang !== null && userLang.length > 0) {
// Getting just the first 2 characters from the string
userLang = userLang.substring(0, 2);
} else {
userLang = registryApp.defaultLanguage;
return userLang;