forked from FarmMaps/FarmMapsApiClient
62 lines
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62 lines
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# 1. DONE
Laat de farmmapsKPI zelf maar uitzoeken wat de n-p gehaltes zijn:
a. We willen als input opgeven we hebben 400 kg/ha urea gegeven, of 32000 kg/ha runderdrijfmest.
Daarvoor wel de juiste gewas code opgeven -> zie onder, FarmmapsEditeeltList 263 gewassen
Daarvoor wel de juiste meststof code opgeven -> zie onder, FarmmapsEditeeltList 022 meststoffen
b. Check of de operation data een element “n” bevat. Zoniet of als waarde 0, dan
i. Zoek onder de motorkap op: de omreken factor (bijv 200 kg/ha urea met 46% n -> 200*0.46 = 92 kg N/ha)
ii. Voeg die 92 toe aan de operation data ("n": 92)
c. Reken N surplus uit (KPI item id b1)
Want voor veel meststoffen is geen content bekend -> automatisch opzoeken zal in veel gevallen niet goed werken
Laat de gebruiker zelf maar de codelist CL022 raadplegen en omrekenen.
Nieuw project: FarmmapsEditeeltLists DONE
a. Why? Because
i. This is (1) so that we can at any time retrieve the most recent up-to-date list
ii. so that you can look up crops and fertilizer types and fill in KPIinput.json correctly
b. Download full list of items from vnd.farmmaps.itemtype.codelist.cl263 DONE
c. Write them to a csv file DONE
d. In any case following lists: 127 operations DONE; 022 meststoffen (fertilizer products) DONE; 263 gewassen DONE; 405 soilcode DONE
in which list the productionPurposeCode 251 DONE
Effect of soiltype (e.g. different N concents in crop depending on soiltype? (CL405))
DONE (using KPIinput.json): same N balance, different target & threshold
Effect of location (e.g. different atmospheric N deposition).
DONE (using KPIinput.json): slightly different N balance
KPIelementsOfBalance: Tamara
a. define elements for C1 organic matter supply
# 2. Pending
productionPurposeCode: different result depending on starch or consumption potato (different N contents in tubers)?
DONE (using KPIinput.json): surprisingly no effect?
dataOperations: "operationCode": "7" & "8":
a. which codelist? What does it mean? NOT YET TESTED
b. using KPIinput.json: does it have an effect on KPI outcomes? NOT YET TESTED
dataOperations: "status": "3":
a. which codelist? What does it mean? NOT YET TESTED
b. using KPIinput.json: does it have an effect on KPI outcomes? NOT YET TESTED
"DataCropfieldCharacteristic": {
"code": "860619", //PO20231004: so what does this code mean? Can we see the code list somewhere? NOT YET TESTED
KPIelementsOfBalance: Tamara
b. for nitrogen B1 rename disposal to nHarvestedNKgHa PARTLY
c. for phosporous B2 rename disposal to pHarvestedPKgHa PARTLY
d. for phosporous B2 rename from pFertilizerNKgHa to pFertilizerPKgHa PARTLY
e. idem sowPlantingNKgHa PARTLY
f. add straw for N & P in output
g. add 2 examples in KPIinput.json: straw yes/no removed. Bijv. nStrawLeftInField EN nStrawRemoved
h. update KPIdefinitions.csv PARTLY
i. for C1 rename 'cropLeftoversEom' to 'cropResiduesEom' |