
276 lines
11 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FarmmapsApi.Models;
using Google.Apis.Upload;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using static FarmmapsApi.Extensions;
using static FarmmapsApiSamples.Constants;
namespace FarmmapsApi.Services
public class GeneralService
private readonly ILogger<GeneralService> _logger;
private readonly FarmmapsApiService _farmmapsApiService;
public GeneralService(ILogger<GeneralService> logger, FarmmapsApiService farmmapsApiService)
_logger = logger;
_farmmapsApiService = farmmapsApiService;
public async Task<Item> CreateCropfieldItemAsync(string parentItemCode, string name, int year,
string fieldGeomJson, string data = "{}")
var currentYear = new DateTime(year, 1, 1);
var cropfieldItemRequest = new ItemRequest()
ParentCode = parentItemCode,
Name = name,
DataDate = currentYear,
DataEndDate = currentYear.AddYears(1).AddDays(-1),
Data = JObject.Parse(data),
Geometry = JObject.Parse(fieldGeomJson)
return await _farmmapsApiService.CreateItemAsync(cropfieldItemRequest);
public async Task<Item> UploadDataAsync(UserRoot root, string itemType, string filePath, string itemName)
var startUpload = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(-3);
var result = await _farmmapsApiService.UploadFile(filePath, root.Code,
progress => _logger.LogInformation($"Status: {progress.Status} - BytesSent: {progress.BytesSent}"));
if (result.Progress.Status == UploadStatus.Failed)
return null;
return await FindChildItemAsync(root.Code, itemType, itemName,
i => i.Created >= startUpload &&
public async Task<Item> UploadZipWithShapeAsync(UserRoot root, string filePath, string itemName)
var startUpload = DateTime.UtcNow;
var result = await _farmmapsApiService.UploadFile(filePath, root.Code,
progress => _logger.LogInformation($"Status: {progress.Status} - BytesSent: {progress.BytesSent}"));
if (result.Progress.Status == UploadStatus.Failed)
return null;
return await FindChildItemAsync(root.Code, SHAPE_PROCESSED_ITEMTYPE, itemName,
i => i.Created >= startUpload &&
public async Task<Item> ShapeToGeotiff(Item shapeItem)
var startUpload = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(-3);
await RunAndWaitForTask(shapeItem, "vnd.farmmaps.task.shapetogeotiff");
return await FindChildItemAsync(shapeItem.ParentCode, GEOTIFF_PROCESSED_ITEMTYPE, shapeItem.Name,
i => i.Created >= startUpload &&
public async Task<Item> GeotiffToShape(Item tiffItem)
var taskmapRequest = new TaskRequest {TaskType = TASKMAP_TASK};
taskmapRequest.attributes["cellWidth"] = "3";
taskmapRequest.attributes["cellHeight"] = "1";
taskmapRequest.attributes["angle"] = "0";
string itemTaskCode = await _farmmapsApiService.QueueTaskAsync(tiffItem.Code, taskmapRequest);
await PollTask(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), async (tokenSource) =>
var itemTaskStatus = await _farmmapsApiService.GetTaskStatusAsync(tiffItem.Code, itemTaskCode);
_logger.LogInformation($"Waiting on converting geotiff to shape; status: {itemTaskStatus.State}");
if (itemTaskStatus.IsFinished)
var itemTask = await _farmmapsApiService.GetTaskStatusAsync(tiffItem.Code, itemTaskCode);
if (itemTask.State == ItemTaskState.Error)
_logger.LogError($"Something went wrong with task execution: {itemTask.Message}");
return null;
//the taskmap is a child of the input tiff
var itemName = "Taskmap";
var taskMapItem = await FindChildItemAsync(tiffItem.ParentCode,
if (taskMapItem == null)
_logger.LogError("Could not find the shape taskmap as a child item under the input");
return null;
return taskMapItem;
public async Task<ItemTaskStatus> RunAndWaitForTask(Item subjectItem, string taskIdentifier,
Action<TaskRequest> configureCallback = null, int retrySeconds = 3)
var taskRequest = new TaskRequest()
TaskType = taskIdentifier
var taskCode = await _farmmapsApiService.QueueTaskAsync(subjectItem.Code, taskRequest);
await PollTask(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(retrySeconds), async (tokenSource) =>
_logger.LogInformation($"Checking {taskIdentifier} task status");
var itemTaskStatus = await _farmmapsApiService.GetTaskStatusAsync(subjectItem.Code, taskCode);
if (itemTaskStatus.IsFinished)
_logger.LogInformation($"{taskIdentifier} finished");
return await _farmmapsApiService.GetTaskStatusAsync(subjectItem.Code, taskCode);
public async Task<Item> FindChildItemAsync(string parentCode, string itemType, string containsName,
Func<Item, bool> filter = null, int maxTries = 10)
Item dataItem = null;
int tries = 0;
await PollTask(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), async source =>
_logger.LogInformation($"Trying to get {containsName} data");
var uploadedFilesChildren = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemChildrenAsync(parentCode, itemType);
Func<Item, bool> func = filter ?? (i => i.Name.ToLower().Contains(containsName.ToLower()));
dataItem = uploadedFilesChildren.FirstOrDefault(func);
if (dataItem != null || tries == maxTries)
if (dataItem == null)
_logger.LogError("dataItem not found");
return null;
_logger.LogInformation($"Found {containsName} item");
return dataItem;
public async Task<Item> RunBofekTask(Item cropfieldItem)
var taskmapRequest = new TaskRequest {TaskType = BOFEK_TASK};
string itemTaskCode = await _farmmapsApiService.QueueTaskAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, taskmapRequest);
await PollTask(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), async (tokenSource) =>
var itemTaskStatus = await _farmmapsApiService.GetTaskStatusAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, itemTaskCode);
_logger.LogInformation($"Waiting on retreiving BOFEK data; status: {itemTaskStatus.State}");
if (itemTaskStatus.IsFinished)
var itemTask = await _farmmapsApiService.GetTaskStatusAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, itemTaskCode);
if (itemTask.State == ItemTaskState.Error)
_logger.LogError($"Something went wrong with task execution: {itemTask.Message}");
return null;
//the BOFEK data is a child of the cropfield
var itemName = "bofek";
var bofekItem = await FindChildItemAsync(cropfieldItem.Code,
if (bofekItem == null)
_logger.LogError("Could not find the BOFEK data as a child item under the cropfield");
return null;
return bofekItem;
public async Task<Item> RunAhnTask(Item cropfieldItem)
var taskmapRequest = new TaskRequest {TaskType = AHN_TASK};
string itemTaskCode = await _farmmapsApiService.QueueTaskAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, taskmapRequest);
await PollTask(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), async (tokenSource) =>
var itemTaskStatus = await _farmmapsApiService.GetTaskStatusAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, itemTaskCode);
_logger.LogInformation($"Waiting on retreiving AHN data; status: {itemTaskStatus.State}");
if (itemTaskStatus.IsFinished)
var itemTask = await _farmmapsApiService.GetTaskStatusAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, itemTaskCode);
if (itemTask.State == ItemTaskState.Error)
_logger.LogError($"Something went wrong with task execution: {itemTask.Message}");
return null;
//the AHN data is a child of the cropfield
var itemName = "ahn";
var ahnItem = await FindChildItemAsync(cropfieldItem.Code,
if (ahnItem == null)
_logger.LogError("Could not find the AHN data as a child item under the cropfield");
return null;
return ahnItem;
public async Task<Item> RunShadowTask(Item cropfieldItem)
var taskmapRequest = new TaskRequest {TaskType = SHADOW_TASK};
string itemTaskCode = await _farmmapsApiService.QueueTaskAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, taskmapRequest);
await PollTask(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), async (tokenSource) =>
var itemTaskStatus = await _farmmapsApiService.GetTaskStatusAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, itemTaskCode);
_logger.LogInformation($"Waiting on calculation shadow data; status: {itemTaskStatus.State}");
if (itemTaskStatus.IsFinished)
var itemTask = await _farmmapsApiService.GetTaskStatusAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, itemTaskCode);
if (itemTask.State == ItemTaskState.Error)
_logger.LogError($"Something went wrong with task execution: {itemTask.Message}");
return null;
//the shadow data is a child of the cropfield
var itemName = "shadow";
var shadowItem = await FindChildItemAsync(cropfieldItem.Code,
if (shadowItem == null)
_logger.LogError("Could not find the shadow data as a child item under the cropfield");
return null;
return shadowItem;