import { Component, Input, OnInit, OnChanges, OnDestroy, SimpleChanges, EventEmitter, Output } from '@angular/core'; import View from 'ol/View'; import { MapComponent } from './map.component'; import { ObjectEvent } from 'ol/Object'; import { Extent } from 'ol/extent'; import { Coordinate } from 'ol/coordinate'; import { DrawEvent } from 'ol/interaction/Draw'; import BaseEvent from 'ol/events/Event'; @Component({ selector: 'aol-view', template: ` `, }) export class ViewComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges, OnDestroy { @Input() constrainRotation: boolean | number; @Input() enableRotation: boolean; @Input() extent: Extent; @Input() maxResolution: number; @Input() minResolution: number; @Input() maxZoom: number; @Input() minZoom: number; @Input() resolution: number; @Input() resolutions: number[]; @Input() rotation: number; @Input() zoom: number; @Input() zoomFactor: number; @Input() center: Coordinate; @Input() projection: string; @Input() constrainOnlyCenter: boolean; @Input() smoothExtentConstraint: boolean; @Input() constrainResolution: boolean; @Input() smoothResolutionConstraint: boolean; @Input() showFullExtent: boolean; @Input() multiWorld: boolean; @Input() zoomAnimation = false; @Output() olChange = new EventEmitter(); @Output() changeCenter = new EventEmitter(); @Output() changeResolution = new EventEmitter(); @Output() changeRotation = new EventEmitter(); @Output() olError = new EventEmitter(); @Output() propertyChange = new EventEmitter(); public instance: View; public componentType = 'view'; constructor(private host: MapComponent) {} ngOnInit() { // console.log('creating ol.View instance with: ', this); this.instance = new View(this);; this.instance.on('change', (event: DrawEvent) => this.olChange.emit(event)); this.instance.on('change:center', (event: ObjectEvent) => this.changeCenter.emit(event)); this.instance.on('change:resolution', (event: ObjectEvent) => this.changeResolution.emit(event)); this.instance.on('change:rotation', (event: ObjectEvent) => this.changeRotation.emit(event)); this.instance.on('error', (event: BaseEvent) => this.olError.emit(event)); this.instance.on('propertychange', (event: ObjectEvent) => this.propertyChange.emit(event)); } ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { const properties: { [index: string]: any } = {}; if (!this.instance) { return; } for (const key in changes) { if (changes.hasOwnProperty(key)) { switch (key) { case 'zoom': /** Work-around: setting the zoom via setProperties does not work. */ if (this.zoomAnimation) { this.instance.animate({ zoom: changes[key].currentValue }); } else { this.instance.setZoom(changes[key].currentValue); } break; case 'projection': this.instance = new View(this);; break; case 'center': /** Work-around: setting the center via setProperties does not work. */ this.instance.setCenter(changes[key].currentValue); break; default: break; } properties[key] = changes[key].currentValue; } } // console.log('changes detected in aol-view, setting new properties: ', properties); this.instance.setProperties(properties, false); } ngOnDestroy() { // console.log('removing aol-view'); } }