import { Component, Host, Input, forwardRef, ContentChild, AfterContentInit } from '@angular/core'; import { VectorTile } from 'ol/source'; import Feature from 'ol/format/Feature'; import TileGrid from 'ol/tilegrid/TileGrid'; import { LayerVectorTileComponent } from '../layers/layervectortile.component'; import { FormatComponent } from '../formats/format.component'; import { TileGridComponent } from '../tilegrid.component'; import { SourceComponent } from './source.component'; import { ProjectionLike } from 'ol/proj'; import { UrlFunction } from 'ol/Tile'; @Component({ selector: 'aol-source-vectortile', template: ` `, providers: [{ provide: SourceComponent, useExisting: forwardRef(() => SourceVectorTileComponent) }], }) export class SourceVectorTileComponent extends SourceComponent implements AfterContentInit { @Input() cacheSize: number; @Input() overlaps: boolean; @Input() projection: ProjectionLike; @Input() tilePixelRatio: number; @Input() tileUrlFunction: UrlFunction; @Input() url: string; @Input() urls: string[]; @Input() wrapX: boolean; @ContentChild(FormatComponent, { static: false }) formatComponent: FormatComponent; @ContentChild(TileGridComponent, { static: false }) tileGridComponent: TileGridComponent; public instance: VectorTile; format: Feature; tileGrid: TileGrid; constructor(@Host() layer: LayerVectorTileComponent) { super(layer); } /* need the children to construct the OL3 object */ ngAfterContentInit() { this.format = this.formatComponent.instance; this.tileGrid = this.tileGridComponent.instance; // console.log('creating ol.source.VectorTile instance with:', this); this.instance = new VectorTile(this);; } }