using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using FarmmapsApi.Models; using FarmmapsApi.Services; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using static FarmmapsApi.Extensions; using static FarmmapsApiSamples.Constants; namespace FarmmapsApiSamples { public class NitrogenService : ITestFlow { private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly FarmmapsApiService _farmmapsApiService; private readonly GeneralService _generalService; public NitrogenService(ILogger logger, FarmmapsApiService farmmapsApiService, GeneralService generalService) { _logger = logger; _farmmapsApiService = farmmapsApiService; _generalService = generalService; } public async Task TestFlow(List roots) { var downloadFolder = "Downloads"; if (!Directory.Exists(downloadFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(downloadFolder); var plantingDate = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, 2, 1); var measurementDate = plantingDate.AddMonths(5); var uploadedRoot = roots.SingleOrDefault(r => r.Name == "Uploaded"); if (uploadedRoot == null) { _logger.LogError("Could not find a needed root item"); return; } var myDriveRoot = roots.SingleOrDefault(r => r.Name == "My drive"); if (myDriveRoot == null) { _logger.LogError("Could not find a needed root item"); return; } var cropfieldItem = await GetOrCreateCropfieldItemAsync(myDriveRoot.Code); var dataPath = Path.Combine("Data", ""); var isariaShapeItem = await _generalService.UploadZipWithShapeAsync(uploadedRoot, dataPath, "Scan_1_20190605"); if (isariaShapeItem == null) { _logger.LogError("Could not find isaria shape item"); return; } var isariaGeotiffItem = await _generalService.ShapeToGeotiff(isariaShapeItem); if (isariaGeotiffItem == null) { _logger.LogError("Something went wrong with isaria shape to geotiff transformation"); return; } _logger.LogInformation($"Calculating targetN with targetYield: {60}"); var targetN = await CalculateTargetN(cropfieldItem, plantingDate, measurementDate, 60); _logger.LogInformation($"TargetN: {targetN}"); _logger.LogInformation("Calculating uptake map"); var uptakeMapItem = await CalculateUptakeMap(cropfieldItem, isariaGeotiffItem, plantingDate, measurementDate); _logger.LogInformation("Downloading uptake map"); await _farmmapsApiService.DownloadItemAsync(uptakeMapItem.Code, Path.Combine(downloadFolder, $"{uptakeMapItem.Name}.zip")); _logger.LogInformation("Calculating appliance map"); var applianceMapItem = await CalculateApplicationMap(cropfieldItem, isariaGeotiffItem, plantingDate, measurementDate, targetN); _logger.LogInformation("Downloading appliance map"); await _farmmapsApiService.DownloadItemAsync(applianceMapItem.Code, Path.Combine(downloadFolder, $"{applianceMapItem.Name}.zip")); } private async Task GetOrCreateCropfieldItemAsync(string parentItemCode) { var cropfieldItems = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemChildrenAsync(parentItemCode, CROPFIELD_ITEMTYPE); if (cropfieldItems.Count > 0) return cropfieldItems[0]; var currentYear = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, 1, 1); var cropfieldItemRequest = new ItemRequest() { ParentCode = parentItemCode, ItemType = CROPFIELD_ITEMTYPE, Name = "Cropfield for VRA", DataDate = currentYear, DataEndDate = currentYear.AddYears(1).AddDays(-1), Data = JObject.Parse("{}"), Geometry = JObject.Parse( @"{ ""type"": ""Polygon"", ""coordinates"": [ [ [ 3.40843828875524, 50.638966444680605 ], [ 3.408953272886064, 50.639197789621612 ], [ 3.409242951459603, 50.639469958681836 ], [ 3.409328782148028, 50.639612846807708 ], [ 3.409457528180712, 50.639789755314411 ], [ 3.409639918393741, 50.640014292074966 ], [ 3.409833037442765, 50.640211611372706 ], [ 3.410069071836049, 50.640395321698435 ], [ 3.410380208081761, 50.640572227259661 ], [ 3.410605513638958, 50.640715112034222 ], [ 3.411925160474145, 50.641177783561204 ], [ 3.411935889310142, 50.640728720085136 ], [ 3.412590348309737, 50.63948356709389 ], [ 3.413244807309242, 50.638224772339846 ], [ 3.413400375432099, 50.637901562841307 ], [ 3.413539850300779, 50.637449065809889 ], [ 3.413475477284437, 50.637418445552932 ], [ 3.40999396998362, 50.637449065810451 ], [ 3.409940325803365, 50.638102293212661 ], [ 3.409575545377398, 50.638483338338325 ], [ 3.409060561246574, 50.638707881340494 ], [ 3.40843828875524, 50.638966444680605 ] ] ] }") }; return await _farmmapsApiService.CreateItemAsync(cropfieldItemRequest); } /// /// Calculates TargetN, makes the assumption the cropfield and user.input(targetn) item have the same parent /// /// The cropfield to base the calculations on /// The target yield input for the TargetN calculation /// The date the crop is planted /// The date the measurements are taken /// The TargetN public async Task CalculateTargetN(Item cropfieldItem, DateTime plantingDate, DateTime measurementDate, int targetYield) { var targetNItems = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemChildrenAsync(cropfieldItem.ParentCode, USERINPUT_ITEMTYPE); Item targetNItem; if (targetNItems.Count == 0) { _logger.LogInformation("Creating targetN item"); var itemRequest = CreateTargetNItemRequest(cropfieldItem.ParentCode); targetNItem = await _farmmapsApiService.CreateItemAsync(itemRequest); } else { targetNItem = targetNItems[0]; } var nbsTargetNRequest = new TaskRequest {TaskType = VRANBS_TASK}; nbsTargetNRequest.attributes["operation"] = "targetn"; nbsTargetNRequest.attributes["inputCode"] = targetNItem.Code; nbsTargetNRequest.attributes["plantingDate"] = plantingDate.ToString(); nbsTargetNRequest.attributes["measurementDate"] = measurementDate.ToString(); nbsTargetNRequest.attributes["inputType"] = "irmi"; nbsTargetNRequest.attributes["purposeType"] = "consumption"; nbsTargetNRequest.attributes["targetYield"] = targetYield.ToString(); string itemTaskCode = await _farmmapsApiService.QueueTaskAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, nbsTargetNRequest); await PollTask(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), async (tokenSource) => { var itemTaskStatus = await _farmmapsApiService.GetTaskStatusAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, itemTaskCode); if (itemTaskStatus.IsFinished) tokenSource.Cancel(); }); var itemTask = await _farmmapsApiService.GetTaskStatusAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, itemTaskCode); if(itemTask.State == ItemTaskState.Error) { _logger.LogError($"Something went wrong with task execution: {itemTask.Message}"); return 0; } var item = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemAsync(targetNItem.Code); if (item.Data.ContainsKey("TargetN")) return item.Data.Value("TargetN"); return 0; } /// /// Calculates the uptake map based on the given inputs /// /// The cropfield to base the calculations on /// /// The date the crop is planted /// The date the measurements are taken /// public async Task CalculateUptakeMap(Item cropfieldItem, Item inputItem, DateTime plantingDate, DateTime measurementDate) { var nbsUptakeMapRequest = new TaskRequest {TaskType = VRANBS_TASK}; nbsUptakeMapRequest.attributes["operation"] = "uptake"; nbsUptakeMapRequest.attributes["inputCode"] = inputItem.Code; nbsUptakeMapRequest.attributes["plantingDate"] = plantingDate.ToString(); nbsUptakeMapRequest.attributes["measurementDate"] = measurementDate.ToString(); nbsUptakeMapRequest.attributes["inputType"] = "irmi"; string itemTaskCode = await _farmmapsApiService.QueueTaskAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, nbsUptakeMapRequest); await PollTask(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), async (tokenSource) => { var itemTaskStatus = await _farmmapsApiService.GetTaskStatusAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, itemTaskCode); if (itemTaskStatus.IsFinished) tokenSource.Cancel(); }); var itemTask = await _farmmapsApiService.GetTaskStatusAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, itemTaskCode); if(itemTask.State == ItemTaskState.Error) { _logger.LogError($"Something went wrong with task execution: {itemTask.Message}"); return null; } var geotiffItems = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemChildrenAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, GEOTIFF_PROCESSED_ITEMTYPE); // maybe poll here to, to wait for geotiff task process to be finished? // how to uniquely know which item is really created!? var nitrogenItem = geotiffItems.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Name.Contains("uptake") && i.Updated >= itemTask.Finished); if (nitrogenItem == null) { _logger.LogError("Could not find the uptake geotiff child item under cropfield"); return null; } return nitrogenItem; } /// /// Creates the nitrogen appliance map based on given input data /// /// The cropfield to base the calculations on /// The farmmaps item containing the geotiff data /// The date the crop is planted /// The date the measurements are taken /// The target nitrogen to use for the calculations /// public async Task CalculateApplicationMap(Item cropfieldItem, Item inputItem, DateTime plantingDate, DateTime measurementDate, double targetN) { var nbsApplianceMapRequest = new TaskRequest {TaskType = VRANBS_TASK}; nbsApplianceMapRequest.attributes["operation"] = "application"; nbsApplianceMapRequest.attributes["inputCode"] = inputItem.Code; nbsApplianceMapRequest.attributes["plantingDate"] = plantingDate.ToString(); nbsApplianceMapRequest.attributes["measurementDate"] = measurementDate.ToString(); nbsApplianceMapRequest.attributes["inputCode"] = inputItem.Code; nbsApplianceMapRequest.attributes["inputType"] = "irmi"; nbsApplianceMapRequest.attributes["targetN"] = targetN.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); string itemTaskCode = await _farmmapsApiService.QueueTaskAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, nbsApplianceMapRequest); await PollTask(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), async (tokenSource) => { var itemTaskStatus = await _farmmapsApiService.GetTaskStatusAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, itemTaskCode); if (itemTaskStatus.IsFinished) tokenSource.Cancel(); }); var itemTask = await _farmmapsApiService.GetTaskStatusAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, itemTaskCode); if(itemTask.State == ItemTaskState.Error) { _logger.LogError($"Something went wrong with task execution: {itemTask.Message}"); return null; } var geotiffItems = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemChildrenAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, GEOTIFF_PROCESSED_ITEMTYPE); // maybe poll here too, to wait for geotiff task process to be finished? // how to uniquely know which item is really created!? var applianceMapItem = geotiffItems.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Name.Contains("nitrogen") && i.Updated >= itemTask.Finished); if (applianceMapItem == null) { _logger.LogError("Could not find the application map geotiff child item under cropfield"); return null; } return applianceMapItem; } private ItemRequest CreateTargetNItemRequest(string parentItemCode) { return new ItemRequest() { ParentCode = parentItemCode, ItemType = USERINPUT_ITEMTYPE, Name = "TargetN" }; } } }