using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using FarmmapsApi; using FarmmapsApi.Models; using FarmmapsApi.Services; using FarmmapsKPI.Models; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using static FarmmapsApiSamples.Constants; namespace FarmmapsKPI { public class KPIApplication : IApplication { //private const string DownloadFolder = "Downloads"; private const string SettingsFile = "settings.json"; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly FarmmapsApiService _farmmapsApiService; private readonly KPIService _kpiService; private readonly GeneralService _generalService; private Settings _settings; public KPIApplication(ILogger logger, FarmmapsApiService farmmapsApiService, GeneralService generalService, KPIService kpiService) { _logger = logger; _farmmapsApiService = farmmapsApiService; _generalService = generalService; _kpiService = kpiService; } public async Task RunAsync() { var fieldsInputJson = File.ReadAllText("KPIInput.json"); List fieldsInputs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(fieldsInputJson); // !! this call is needed the first time an api is called with a fresh clientid and secret !! await _farmmapsApiService.GetCurrentUserCodeAsync(); var roots = await _farmmapsApiService.GetCurrentUserRootsAsync(); //Where to write the output string downloadFolder = fieldsInputs[0].DownloadFolder; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(downloadFolder)) { downloadFolder = "Downloads"; } if (!Directory.Exists(downloadFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(downloadFolder); //Write the same info to a single csv file. Note this means existing file will be overwritten! StreamWriter sw; string KPIItemPathCsv = Path.Combine(downloadFolder, "KPIItems.csv"); List headerList = new List { "parentName", "area_ha", "cropTypeCode", "cropTypeName", "KPIid", "KPIvariable", "KPIvalue", "KPIunit", "KPItargetvalue", "KPIthresholdValue" }; //Create a new csv file. Means if existing then overwritten !!! sw = new StreamWriter(KPIItemPathCsv); sw.WriteLine(string.Join(",", headerList)); //Now loop through the list of cropfields in KPIinput.json and get the KPI's for each cropfield foreach (var input in fieldsInputs) { try { await Process(roots, input, sw); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.Message); } } //Close the csv file, write message to screen sw.Close(); _logger.LogInformation($"Done! Written all KPI for all fields in 'KPIinput.json' to output file '{KPIItemPathCsv}'"); } private async Task Process(List roots, KPIInput input, StreamWriter sw) { KPIOutput kpio; KPIOutput kpioPrevious = new KPIOutput(); //creates a new empty string downloadFolder = input.DownloadFolder; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(downloadFolder)) { downloadFolder = "Downloads"; } if (!Directory.Exists(downloadFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(downloadFolder); // !!specify if you are using an already created cropfield: bool useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = input.UseExistingCropfieldWithChildren; int cropYear = input.CropYear; string fieldName = input.fieldName; string fieldGeom = input.GeometryJson.ToString(Formatting.None); //Settings string settingsfile = $"Settings_{fieldName}.json"; LoadSettings(settingsfile); var uploadedRoot = roots.SingleOrDefault(r => r.Name == "USER_IN"); if (uploadedRoot == null) { _logger.LogError("Could not find a needed root item"); return; } var myDriveRoot = roots.SingleOrDefault(r => r.Name == "USER_FILES"); if (myDriveRoot == null) { _logger.LogError("Could not find a needed root item"); return; } // Use already created cropfield or create new one, added a Data input, with field specific data for the KPI calculation Item cropfieldItem; //1 useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = false -> create new //2 useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = true && input.CropfieldItemCode = "" or absent -> read from settings json //3 useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = true && input.CropfieldItemCode like "deb48a74c5b54299bb852f17288010e9" in KPIinput -> use this one if (useExistingCropfieldWithChildren == false) { _logger.LogInformation("Creating cropfield, writting to settings file"); cropfieldItem = await _generalService.CreateCropfieldItemAsync(myDriveRoot.Code, $"{fieldName}", cropYear, input.GeometryJson.ToString(Formatting.None), input.DataCropfield.ToString(Formatting.None)); _settings.CropfieldItemCode = cropfieldItem.Code; SaveSettings(settingsfile); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.CropfieldItemCode)) { _logger.LogInformation("reading CropfieldItemCode from settings file"); cropfieldItem = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemAsync(_settings.CropfieldItemCode); } else { _logger.LogInformation("reading CropfieldItemCode from KPIinput.json"); cropfieldItem = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemAsync(input.CropfieldItemCode); SaveSettings(settingsfile); } // Use already created croprecording or create new one, added a Data input, with field specific data for the KPI calculation Item crprecItem; //1 useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = false -> create new //2 useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = true && input.CropRecordingItemCode = "" or absent -> read from settings json //3 useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = true && input.CropRecordingItemCode like "deb48a74c5b54299bb852f17288010e9" in KPIinput -> use this one if (useExistingCropfieldWithChildren == false) { _logger.LogInformation("RunCropRecordingTask ..."); crprecItem = await _generalService.RunCropRecordingTask(cropfieldItem); _settings.CropRecordingItemCode = crprecItem.Code; SaveSettings(settingsfile); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.CropfieldItemCode)) { _logger.LogInformation("reading CropRecordingItemCode from settings file"); crprecItem = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemAsync(_settings.CropRecordingItemCode); } else { _logger.LogInformation("reading CropRecordingItemCode from KPIinput.json"); crprecItem = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemAsync(input.CropRecordingItemCode); SaveSettings(settingsfile); } // Use already created operations or create new one,s added a Data input, with field specific data for the KPI calculation List crpOperationItems = new List { }; List crpOperationItemCodes = new List { }; Item crpOperationItem; string dataOperation; string codeOperation; //1 useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = false -> create new //2 useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = true && input.OperationItemCode = "" or absent -> read from settings json //3 useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = true && input.OperationItemCode like "deb48a74c5b54299bb852f17288010e9" in KPIinput -> use this one if (useExistingCropfieldWithChildren == false) { for (int i = 0; i < input.DataOperations.Length; i++) { dataOperation = input.DataOperations[i].ToString(Formatting.None); dynamic data = JObject.Parse(dataOperation); _logger.LogInformation($"CreateOperationItemAsync ... for operation {i}: '{}', {data.n} kg N/ha, on date '{data.from}'"); crpOperationItem = await _generalService.CreateOperationItemAsync(crprecItem.Code, cropYear, fieldGeom, dataOperation); crpOperationItems.Add(crpOperationItem); crpOperationItemCodes.Add(crpOperationItem.Code); } _settings.OperationItemCodes = crpOperationItemCodes.ToArray(); SaveSettings(settingsfile); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.CropfieldItemCode)) { _logger.LogInformation("reading OperationItemCode from settings file"); for (int i = 0; i < _settings.OperationItemCodes.Length; i++) { codeOperation = _settings.OperationItemCodes[i]; crpOperationItem = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemAsync(codeOperation); crpOperationItems.Add(crpOperationItem); crpOperationItemCodes.Add(crpOperationItem.Code); } } else { _logger.LogInformation("reading OperationItemCodes from KPIinput.json"); for (int i = 0; i < input.OperationItemCodes.Length; i++) { codeOperation = input.OperationItemCodes[i]; crpOperationItem = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemAsync(codeOperation); crpOperationItems.Add(crpOperationItem); crpOperationItemCodes.Add(crpOperationItem.Code); } _settings.OperationItemCodes = crpOperationItemCodes.ToArray(); SaveSettings(settingsfile); } // The cropfieldCharacteristicItem is used to enter crop yields // So once we have added an operation for fertilizer application and a crop yield, then KPIapp can calculate // Nutrient balance. // Use already created cropfieldCharacteristicItem or create new one, added a Data input, with field specific data for the KPI calculation Item cropfieldCharacteristicItem; //1 useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = false -> create new //2 useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = true && input.CropfieldCharacteristicItemCode = "" or absent -> read from settings json //3 useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = true && input.CropfieldCharacteristicItemCode like "deb48a74c5b54299bb852f17288010e9" in KPIinput -> use this one if (useExistingCropfieldWithChildren == false) { _logger.LogInformation("CreateCropfieldCharacteristicItemAsync ..."); cropfieldCharacteristicItem = await _generalService.CreateCropfieldCharacteristicItemAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, cropYear, fieldGeom, input.DataCropfieldCharacteristic.ToString(Formatting.None)); _settings.CropfieldCharacteristicItemCode = cropfieldCharacteristicItem.Code; SaveSettings(settingsfile); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.CropfieldItemCode)) { _logger.LogInformation("reading OperationItemCode from settings file"); cropfieldCharacteristicItem = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemAsync(_settings.CropfieldCharacteristicItemCode); } else { _logger.LogInformation("reading CropfieldCharacteristicItemCode from KPIinput.json"); cropfieldCharacteristicItem = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemAsync(input.CropfieldCharacteristicItemCode); SaveSettings(settingsfile); } // Inspect the children and grandchildren. If all is well, cropfield will have: // one crprec, with 0-many operations as children. And the Data of an operation will have specification of how much fertilizer was applied // one edicrop.characteristic (with yield in the data) var cropfieldChildren = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemChildrenAsync(cropfieldItem.Code); var crprecChildren = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemChildrenAsync(crprecItem.Code); //Now get the KPIs for this cropfield, mounted with operations & cropyield // Get KPI data for saving it in a file, here the generalsedrvice is called to get the KPI data _logger.LogInformation($"GetKpiItemsForCropField('{cropfieldItem.Code}')"); List KPIItems = await _generalService.GetKpiItemsForCropField(cropfieldItem); _logger.LogInformation($"Found {KPIItems.Count} KPI items"); //Download KPI's into a json output file for this specific cropfield (with unique cropfieldItem.Code) string KPIItemPathJson = Path.Combine(downloadFolder, $"KPIItems_{cropfieldItem.Code}.json"); var count = 0; foreach (Item item in KPIItems) { //Console.WriteLine($"KPI item #{count}: {item.Name}"); File.AppendAllText(KPIItemPathJson, item.Data + Environment.NewLine); count++; } _logger.LogInformation($"Downloaded file {KPIItemPathJson}"); //Write to the csv file that collects all KPI's for all the crop fields List dataList; foreach (Item item in KPIItems) { dataList = new List { }; kpio = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(item.Data.ToString()); //Seems sometimes duplicate KPI items are returned. So check that here and only write if this kpio is different from previous if ( != { dataList.Add(kpio.parentName); dataList.Add(; dataList.Add(; dataList.Add(; dataList.Add(; dataList.Add(kpio.quantity); dataList.Add(kpio.value); dataList.Add(kpio.unit); dataList.Add(kpio.targetValue); dataList.Add(kpio.thresholdValue); sw.WriteLine(string.Join(",", dataList)); } kpioPrevious = kpio; } //Clean up. Only newly created fields //Look up instruction in Swagger / api / v1 / items /{ code} if (useExistingCropfieldWithChildren == false && input.DeleteNewlyCreatedAfterCalc == true) { // Tested and found that if I delete the parent (cropfieldItem) then // automatically deletes children (crprecItem, cropfieldCharacteristicItem, KPIcontainer) // and automatically deletes grand children (crprecItem: operations, KPIcontainer: KPI items) await _farmmapsApiService.DeleteItemAsync(cropfieldItem.Code); //Do we need to wait here for the task to be completed? Or does it continue in the background? //await Task.Delay(60000); // wait 60 secs for task to be completed //Before the GetItem you will see cropfieldItem, crprecItem etc exist (with data). //After the GetItem these cropfieldItem, crprecItem etc are null which means they have been succesfully deleted. //// Check if below works, i.e. is item really deleted? //cropfieldItem = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemAsync(cropfieldItem.Code); //// Check if croprecording has also been deleted. If not also delete it //crprecItem = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemAsync(crprecItem.Code); //// Check if 1 operation has also been deleted. If not also delete it //crpOperationItem = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemAsync(crpOperationItemCodes[0]); //// Check if 1 cropfieldCharacteristicItem has also been deleted. If not also delete it //cropfieldCharacteristicItem = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemAsync(cropfieldCharacteristicItem.Code); } } // Functions to save previously created cropfields private void LoadSettings(string file) { if (File.Exists(file)) { var jsonText = File.ReadAllText(file); _settings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonText); } else { _settings = new Settings(); } } private void SaveSettings(string file) { if (_settings == null) return; var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_settings); File.WriteAllText(file, json); } private void SaveInfo(string file) { if (_settings == null) return; var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_settings); File.WriteAllText(file, json); } } }