master #16

mark merged 70 commits from :master into master 2025-01-10 15:39:26 +00:00
Showing only changes of commit cfba86cf75 - Show all commits

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Linq;
@ -38,12 +39,13 @@ namespace FarmmapsKPI
public async Task RunAsync()
// var fieldsInputJson = File.ReadAllText("KPIInputChemie.json"); // hier gebleven, bad gateway?!
KPIInput input;
string fnKPIinput;
Console.WriteLine("Type name of input json file. Example: KPIinput.json (in same directory as FarmmapsKPI.exe) or C:/temp/KPIinputChemieTmp.json");
fnKPIinput = Console.ReadLine();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fnKPIinput))
//Console.WriteLine("Type name of input json file. Example: KPIinput.json (in same directory as FarmmapsKPI.exe) or C:/temp/KPIinputChemieTmp.json");
//fnKPIinput = Console.ReadLine();
//if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fnKPIinput))
fnKPIinput = "KPIinput.json";
var fieldsInputJson = File.ReadAllText(fnKPIinput);
@ -71,11 +73,21 @@ namespace FarmmapsKPI
List<string> headerList = new List<string> { "parentName", "area_ha", "cropTypeCode", "cropTypeName", "KPIid", "KPIvariable", "KPIvalue", "KPIunit", "KPItargetvalue", "KPIthresholdValue" };
//Create a new csv file. Means if existing then overwritten !!!
sw = new StreamWriter(KPIItemPathCsv);
sw.WriteLine($"FarmmapsKPI backend calculations on input file '{fnKPIinput}' downloaded on {DateTime.Now} with the FarmmapsKPI application in the FarmmapsApSamples.sln");
sw.WriteLine(string.Join(",", headerList));
//Now loop through the list of cropfields in KPIinput.json and get the KPI's for each cropfield
foreach (var input in fieldsInputs)
// For each input download all KPI's. Keep track to time, important when doing bulk calculations
var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
TimeSpan tsSofar = new TimeSpan();
TimeSpan tsRemaining;
TimeSpan tsTotalEstimated;
for (int i = 0; i < fieldsInputs.Count; i++)
input = fieldsInputs[i];
_logger.LogInformation(string.Format($"// FarmmapsKPI: Downloading KPI's for field {i + 1} out of {fieldsInputs.Count} to single csv file {KPIItemPathCsv}"));
await Process(roots, input, sw);
@ -84,11 +96,16 @@ namespace FarmmapsKPI
tsSofar = tsSofar + watch.Elapsed;
tsTotalEstimated = tsSofar / (i + 1) * fieldsInputs.Count;
tsRemaining = tsTotalEstimated - tsSofar;
_logger.LogInformation(string.Format($"// Time (hh:mm:ss): this field: {strTime(watch.Elapsed)}. Sofar: {strTime(tsSofar)}. Estimated total: {strTime(tsTotalEstimated)}. Remaining: {strTime(tsRemaining)}"));
//Close the csv file, write message to screen
_logger.LogInformation($"Done! Written all KPI for all fields in 'KPIinput.json' to output file '{KPIItemPathCsv}'");
_logger.LogInformation(string.Format($"// FarmmapsKPI:"));
_logger.LogInformation($"Done! Written all KPI for all fields in '{fnKPIinput}' to output file '{KPIItemPathCsv}'");
private async Task Process(List<UserRoot> roots, KPIInput input, StreamWriter sw)
@ -134,7 +151,7 @@ namespace FarmmapsKPI
//3 useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = true && input.CropfieldItemCode like "deb48a74c5b54299bb852f17288010e9" in KPIinput -> use this one
if (useExistingCropfieldWithChildren == false)
_logger.LogInformation("Creating cropfield, writting to settings file");
_logger.LogInformation($"Creating cropfield with name '{fieldName}'");
cropfieldItem = await _generalService.CreateCropfieldItemAsync(myDriveRoot.Code,
$"{fieldName}", cropYear, input.GeometryJson.ToString(Formatting.None), input.DataCropfield.ToString(Formatting.None));
_settings.CropfieldItemCode = cropfieldItem.Code;
@ -147,13 +164,49 @@ namespace FarmmapsKPI
_logger.LogInformation("reading CropfieldItemCode from KPIinput.json");
_logger.LogInformation("reading CropfieldItemCode from KPIinput json");
cropfieldItem = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemAsync(input.CropfieldItemCode);
// The cropfieldCharacteristicItem is used to enter crop yields
Item cropfieldCharacteristicItem;
//1 useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = false -> create new
//2 useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = true && input.CropfieldCharacteristicItemCode = "" or absent -> read from settings json
//3 useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = true && input.CropfieldCharacteristicItemCode like "deb48a74c5b54299bb852f17288010e9" in KPIinput -> use this one
if (useExistingCropfieldWithChildren == false)
_logger.LogInformation("CreateCropfieldCharacteristicItemAsync ...");
cropfieldCharacteristicItem = await _generalService.CreateCropfieldCharacteristicItemAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, cropYear, fieldGeom, input.DataCropfieldCharacteristic.ToString(Formatting.None));
_settings.CropfieldCharacteristicItemCode = cropfieldCharacteristicItem.Code;
else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.CropfieldItemCode))
_logger.LogInformation("reading OperationItemCode from settings file");
cropfieldCharacteristicItem = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemAsync(_settings.CropfieldCharacteristicItemCode);
_logger.LogInformation("reading CropfieldCharacteristicItemCode from KPIinput json");
cropfieldCharacteristicItem = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemAsync(input.CropfieldCharacteristicItemCode);
// Use already created croprecording or create new one, added a Data input, with field specific data for the KPI calculation
// Now we can do a first KPI calculation and get the polygon area from the KPI output (where it is based on geometry)
// We need that because for operations, you need to provide the area on which the operation was applied
// And if we put that to the crop area, then we neatly get everything on a per ha basis
_logger.LogInformation($"Getting polygon area (ha))");
List<Item> KPIItems = await _generalService.GetKpiItemsForCropField(cropfieldItem);
_logger.LogInformation($"Found {KPIItems.Count} KPI items");
kpio = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<KPIOutput>(KPIItems[0].Data.ToString());
string area_ha =;
// turn the area into a JObject for later merging with operation data;
string strJarea = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { area = area_ha });
JObject Jarea = JObject.Parse(strJarea);
// A cropfield has 1 crop recording and the crop recording has 0:many operations
//So first at the crop recording
Item crprecItem;
//1 useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = false -> create new
//2 useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = true && input.CropRecordingItemCode = "" or absent -> read from settings json
@ -172,12 +225,12 @@ namespace FarmmapsKPI
_logger.LogInformation("reading CropRecordingItemCode from KPIinput.json");
_logger.LogInformation("reading CropRecordingItemCode from KPIinput json");
crprecItem = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemAsync(input.CropRecordingItemCode);
// Use already created operations or create new one,s added a Data input, with field specific data for the KPI calculation
// Now add the operations
List<Item> crpOperationItems = new List<Item> { };
List<string> crpOperationItemCodes = new List<string> { };
Item crpOperationItem;
@ -192,7 +245,30 @@ namespace FarmmapsKPI
dataOperation = input.DataOperations[i].ToString(Formatting.None);
dynamic data = JObject.Parse(dataOperation);
_logger.LogInformation($"CreateOperationItemAsync ... for operation {i}: '{}', {data.n} kg N/ha, on date '{data.from}'");
_logger.LogInformation($"CreateOperationItemAsync ... for operation {i}: '{}', on date '{data.from}'");
// Now check if the operation has a field called area
string? opArea = data["area"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(opArea))
// if not having field area: add it to dataOperation ...
// ... and update the string
dataOperation = input.DataOperations[i].ToString(Formatting.None);
// if yes having field area: compare with polygon area. If not the same, throw warning
if (data.area != area_ha)
double differencePercent = 100.0*(Convert.ToDouble(area_ha) / Convert.ToDouble(data.area) - 1.0);
_logger.LogWarning($"cropfield has area {area_ha}, but operation has area {data.area}" +
$" Difference is {area_ha} / {data.area} - 100% = {differencePercent}%." +
$" Is that correct? Example if operation was applied in part of field, e.g. in case of variable rate (VRA) application." +
$" Or did you accidentally fill in area in the KPIinput json? To use cropfield area, omit field 'area' from json" +
$" then the KPI applicataion will fill in area calculated from geometry");
//Now after optionally adding the area, add the Operation to the crop recording
crpOperationItem = await _generalService.CreateOperationItemAsync(crprecItem.Code, cropYear, fieldGeom, dataOperation);
@ -213,7 +289,7 @@ namespace FarmmapsKPI
_logger.LogInformation("reading OperationItemCodes from KPIinput.json");
_logger.LogInformation("reading OperationItemCodes from KPIinput json");
for (int i = 0; i < input.OperationItemCodes.Length; i++)
codeOperation = input.OperationItemCodes[i];
@ -225,35 +301,8 @@ namespace FarmmapsKPI
// The cropfieldCharacteristicItem is used to enter crop yields
// So once we have added an operation for fertilizer application and a crop yield, then KPIapp can calculate
// Nutrient balance.
// Use already created cropfieldCharacteristicItem or create new one, added a Data input, with field specific data for the KPI calculation
Item cropfieldCharacteristicItem;
//1 useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = false -> create new
//2 useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = true && input.CropfieldCharacteristicItemCode = "" or absent -> read from settings json
//3 useExistingCropfieldWithChildren = true && input.CropfieldCharacteristicItemCode like "deb48a74c5b54299bb852f17288010e9" in KPIinput -> use this one
if (useExistingCropfieldWithChildren == false)
_logger.LogInformation("CreateCropfieldCharacteristicItemAsync ...");
cropfieldCharacteristicItem = await _generalService.CreateCropfieldCharacteristicItemAsync(cropfieldItem.Code, cropYear, fieldGeom, input.DataCropfieldCharacteristic.ToString(Formatting.None));
_settings.CropfieldCharacteristicItemCode = cropfieldCharacteristicItem.Code;
else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.CropfieldItemCode))
_logger.LogInformation("reading OperationItemCode from settings file");
cropfieldCharacteristicItem = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemAsync(_settings.CropfieldCharacteristicItemCode);
_logger.LogInformation("reading CropfieldCharacteristicItemCode from KPIinput.json");
cropfieldCharacteristicItem = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemAsync(input.CropfieldCharacteristicItemCode);
// Inspect the children and grandchildren. If all is well, cropfield will have:
// one crprec, with 0-many operations as children. And the Data of an operation will have specification of how much fertilizer was applied
// one crprec, with 0-many operations as children. And the Data of an operation will have specification of how much fertilizer / cropprotection agent was applied
// one edicrop.characteristic (with yield in the data)
var cropfieldChildren = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemChildrenAsync(cropfieldItem.Code);
var crprecChildren = await _farmmapsApiService.GetItemChildrenAsync(crprecItem.Code);
@ -261,7 +310,7 @@ namespace FarmmapsKPI
//Now get the KPIs for this cropfield, mounted with operations & cropyield
// Get KPI data for saving it in a file, here the generalsedrvice is called to get the KPI data
List<Item> KPIItems = await _generalService.GetKpiItemsForCropField(cropfieldItem);
KPIItems = await _generalService.GetKpiItemsForCropField(cropfieldItem);
_logger.LogInformation($"Found {KPIItems.Count} KPI items");
//Download KPI's into a json output file for this specific cropfield (with unique cropfieldItem.Code)
@ -305,7 +354,6 @@ namespace FarmmapsKPI
//Total N applied
double totalNapplied = 0.0;
double operationNapplied;
JObject opData;
for (int i = 0; i < crpOperationItemCodes.Count; i++)
codeOperation = crpOperationItemCodes[i];
@ -321,13 +369,13 @@ namespace FarmmapsKPI
dataList = new List<string> { };
//Seems sometimes duplicate KPI items are returned. So check that here and only write if this kpio is different from previous
try { dataList.Add(; } catch { dataList.Add(""); };
try { dataList.Add(; } catch { dataList.Add(""); };
try { dataList.Add(; } catch { dataList.Add(""); };
sw.WriteLine(string.Join(",", dataList));
@ -386,6 +434,9 @@ namespace FarmmapsKPI
File.WriteAllText(file, json);
private string strTime(TimeSpan ts)
return String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds);