fd44f99c98Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' And updated ShowGeotiff.r using new 'r' 'terra' packages And added comment for the DataDownloadApplication and for the BulkSatDownloadApplication: //To run this app, first go to farmmaps datastore at https://farmmaps.eu/en/editor/plan (or on test) //goto 'Apps and Data', goto 'Data', buy (or get for free?): 'SATELLITE'Pepijn van Oort2025-01-10 12:44:14 +0100
fb92fa0d1cKPI ammonia emissions is now fully functional (including in the example input file)ttenden2024-08-26 10:35:58 +0200
67e5cb6bb4Added KPI G1 ammonia emissions (only on test servers) - Ammonia emissions from fertilizers not yet fully functionalttenden2024-07-04 13:35:33 +0200
a98a81776dcalculate KPI's for all example fields instead of one fieldttenden2024-05-15 16:06:19 +0200
e05bb5a8f7added code for checking if multiple runs give same KPI output (should be but is not, so where is it going wrong?)Pepijn van Oort2024-05-15 15:45:53 +0200
6faa5104c8added example with greenmanuretamara2024-05-02 15:57:32 +0200
efb4d6833fIncluded relevant codelist for dataOperations operationCode and status.tamara2024-04-11 11:31:56 +0200
0a9a83a5a6updated KPIdefinitions and todolisttamara2024-04-10 10:29:30 +0200
fe2bd98589added target and threshold definitions + changed productionPurposeCode to be functionaltamara2024-03-12 11:42:16 +0100
ffbb45894awrite A1 yield & strawYield to output update definitions update TODO.txtPepijn van Oort2024-03-11 14:35:03 +0100
67014e20f5updated names of output KPI B1 and B2 + added yieldStraw to output (non functional)tamara2024-03-07 10:37:27 +0100
84f27db16eDataCropfieldCharacteristics as an array containing cropyield and possibly strawyield. If no strawyield is filled in then straw remains in field.tamara2024-02-27 15:44:07 +0100
5d02370f56details about N & P balance written to output filetamara2024-02-12 15:43:00 +0100
e4087adc77add miliebelastingspunten (mbp) and checks on whether KPI task is finished or not yet (if not yet then wait and call again)Pepijn van Oort2023-11-28 15:16:44 +0100
9d691dfed1read & write KPI "E1" = milieu belastingspunten ("mbp")Pepijn van Oort2023-11-22 16:16:59 +0100
d616fd3dfcin KPIApplication add bofek to cropfield, because KPI E1 (milieubelastingspunten) only calculated if soil is knownPepijn van Oort2023-11-21 14:03:14 +0100
3f66676914specify how many seconds to wait for the KPItask to be completedPepijn van Oort2023-11-15 16:49:46 +0100
aa18393102two example inputs for testing garden pea (doperwt) for whole year of part of growing periodPepijn van Oort2023-11-08 13:51:30 +0100
0b0ec8f767StartDate & EndDate of cropfield. Is relevant for N fixation by leguminose crops where currently N fixation depends on day between these two dates. If not provided a whole year is assumed which leads to high N fixationPepijn van Oort2023-11-08 13:50:37 +0100
f1707c432fMore testing & demo's in KPIInput.json: * pesticide * effect of soiltype: yes, different target & threshold for nitrogen (OK) * effect of productionpurpose: none? * effect of location: different nitrogen balance due to different atmospheric deposition (OK)Pepijn van Oort2023-11-01 13:05:49 +0100
cfba86cf75Get polygon area from geometry and give to operations if operation was on whole field Time tracker for how much time the KPI calculations takePepijn van Oort2023-11-01 13:02:54 +0100
da808362c3Added codelist CL251: Codering teeltdoelen (CropProductionPurposeCode)Pepijn van Oort2023-11-01 12:32:05 +0100
4102ed628efarmmapsKPI receives minimum necessary input and writes relevant KPI outputPepijn van Oort2023-10-13 16:37:50 +0200
1cc36422a4start & end date & geometry added to operations item and to cropfield characteristics itemPepijn van Oort2023-10-11 17:00:25 +0200
fedd363075in KPIApplication possible to (1) add an operation, e.g. applying fertilizer and (2) add a cropfield characteristic containing cropyield.Pepijn van Oort2023-10-04 17:21:05 +0200
f04cc239d5Extra note to Clone the git repository to a local drive. DON'T clone to a network drive like "My Documents". Latter may cause authentication problems.Pepijn van Oort2023-10-04 10:43:44 +0200
aace4a32f8added a comment about failed test to download stats for multi-annual timeseries for a given fieldPepijn van Oort2023-08-01 15:22:20 +0200
166fd1f66dfix BulkSatDownloadApplication: fire a number of calls awaiting satellite task, until number of images returned no longer increasesPepijn van Oort2023-08-01 11:03:40 +0200
9be9eb3145update TargetFramework of all projects to netcoreapp3.1. Except FarmmapsAPi & Secrets which remain 2.1Pepijn van Oort2023-06-13 12:05:30 +0200
8c5a0aed95de niet verplichte inputs verwijderd van de input file. Wel wordt er dus de input file gebruikt die in de C:\Users\hoeve065\Documents\hoofdmap_werk\project_KB34MAST nutrienten DB\API04.03\FarmMapsApiClient_KB34_MAST\FarmmapsKPI\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\KPIInput.json staat, en niet bij het KPI programma.Abel Hoeven, van2023-05-02 10:55:24 +0200
59f9ef4743nu kan er van de gegeven input een cropfield wordern gemaakt, en hier kunnen vervolgens KPIs over berekend worden. Volgende stap is het strippen van de KPIinput om te kijken wat het minimale is dat nodig is om de kpis te berekenen. verder nu eem aantal inputs die niet nodig waren verwijdertInput aangepast,Abel Hoeven, van2023-04-25 16:14:43 +0200
8bb5c6f581Input aangepast, nu kan er van de gegeven input een cropfield wordern gemaakt, en hier kunnen vervolgens KPIs over berekend worden. Volgende stap is het strippen van de KPIinput om te kijken wat het minimale is dat nodig is om de kpis te berekenen.Abel Hoeven, van2023-04-25 16:14:43 +0200
7149086ce2KPI items opslaan werkt. alle KPI items worden nu naar een JSON file in de dowload folder geschrevenAbel Hoeven, van2023-04-25 12:00:08 +0200
55f00da9d0KPI items ophalen voor een cropfield werkt nu. wel dus een bestaand cropfield ingeven bij de settings in de BIN. Alle KPIs worden opgehaald na een minuut wachten.abel2023-04-07 14:33:49 +0200
3d7bf186e7de properties voor de KPI task worden nu correct doorgegeven denk ikabel2023-04-06 16:11:37 +0200
8f8f857bf0ook in in de andere KPIinout toegevoegdabel2023-04-03 13:05:00 +0200
b7bedf182caggegrate KPI = false toegevoegd aan inputsabel2023-04-03 13:03:10 +0200
be22d631bcgeupdate runKPIitemtask, helaas nog geen KPI data gevonden als child itemabel2023-03-31 11:13:51 +0200
7dda21dd77probeersel om een runKPItask te makenabel2023-03-31 11:02:06 +0200
f8a412be64with doDB clearer choice on whether to read fields for which to download satellite stats from csv or databasePepijn van Oort2022-03-07 13:36:20 +0100
3da2b71d62Merge pull request 'Update 'README.MD'' (#13) from fedde-patch-1 into masterMark van der Wal2022-02-28 13:54:46 +0000
e07fb2de7aAW-3569 Added posibility to login with username/passwordMark van der Wal2022-02-23 10:33:59 +0100
2790beaa88Merge pull request 'Update appsettings, included the three environments test, acceptance and production. + update the NBS sample code to the newest flow (backwards compatible' (#10) from NBS_update into masterMark van der Wal2022-02-11 12:31:20 +0000
694d7ce90bUpdate appsettings, included the three environments test, acceptance and production. + update the NBS sample code to the newest flow (backwards compatible
Sijbrandij2022-02-11 13:14:26 +0100