2021-05-18 18:19:28 +02:00
# ShowGeotiff.r
# I downloaded and calculated the stats for the polygon defined in C:\git\FarmMapsApiClient_WURtest\FarmmapsDataDownload\DataDownloadInput.json
2021-05-26 10:16:29 +02:00
# in which I set "SatelliteBand": "wdvi" and in which in the console I requested the image for date '2020-09-22'
# FarmmapsBulkSatDownload generates many files. Here is what I tried when inputing the same field for a number of years using BulkSatDownloadInput.json
# see list below
2021-05-18 18:19:28 +02:00
library ( raster )
library ( sf )
library ( rgdal )
2021-05-26 10:16:29 +02:00
setwd ( " C:/workdir/groenmonitor/DataDownload/" )
# FarmmapsDataDownload and BulkSatDownload can be used to download zip files with inside two files:
2021-05-18 18:19:28 +02:00
fileGeotiff <- " wenr.tif"
2021-05-26 10:16:29 +02:00
fileJpg <- " thumbnail.jpg"
# Here is what I tried when inputing the same field for a number of years:
2021-05-18 18:19:28 +02:00
# fileGeotiff <- "wheat_fld5641_20210224.tif" # 2 files for year 2021. This file is a nice example having in upperleft corner no data
# fileGeotiff <- "wheat_fld5641_20210331.tif" # 2 files for year 2021
# fileGeotiff <- "wheat_fld5641_20200321.tif" # 14 files for year 2020, earliest
# fileGeotiff <- "wheat_fld5641_20200922.tif" # 14 files for year 2020, latest
# fileGeotiff <- "wheat_fld5641_20190121.tif" # 9 files for year 2019, earliest
# fileGeotiff <- "wheat_fld5641_20191117.tif" # 9 files for year 2019, latest
# 1 file for year 2018, with error message 'End of Central Directory record could not be found' and invalid wheat_fld5641_20180630.zip
# fileGeotiff <- "wheat_fld5641_20170526.tif" # 1 file for year 2017
# Zero files for 2016
lenfilename <- nchar ( fileGeotiff )
year <- substr ( fileGeotiff , lenfilename -11 , lenfilename -8 )
imgdate <- substr ( fileGeotiff , lenfilename -11 , lenfilename -4 )
# The thumbnail has the polygon clipped out, has 1 layer, no crs and the mean value is not the mean wdvi we are looking for
2021-05-26 10:16:29 +02:00
r.thumbnail <- raster ( fileJpg )
plot ( r.thumbnail )
crs ( r.thumbnail )
#CRS arguments: NA
cellStats ( r.thumbnail , ' mean' ) #87.5128 # nonsense
2021-05-18 18:19:28 +02:00
stk.wenr <- stack ( x = fileGeotiff )
# plot(stk.wenr) shows 5 plots (5 bands)
# I think these are:
# 1. ndvi (since it runs from 0 to 1)
# 2. wdvi (since it runs from 0 to 0.5)
# 3-5: RGB (since they run from 0 to 255)
plot ( stk.wenr )
# CRS arguments:
# +proj=sterea +lat_0=52.1561605555556 +lon_0=5.38763888888889 +k=0.9999079 +x_0=155000 +y_0=463000 +ellps=bessel +units=m +no_defs
# Or use st_crs(stk.wenr) to get more info, but no EPSG code in there.
# Likely it is epsg:28992 (Amersfoort)
crs ( stk.wenr )
stk.wenr <- projectRaster ( stk.wenr , crs = CRS ( ' +init=EPSG:28992' ) )
crs ( stk.wenr )
# Looks the same but strangely, if we don't do projectRaster(stk.wenr, crs = CRS('+init=EPSG:28992')), we find below the bottom left corner of the polygon missing
r.wenr.rd.wdvi <- subset ( stk.wenr , 2 )
dev.off ( )
plot ( r.wenr.rd.wdvi , main = paste ( " wdvi" , imgdate ) , xlab = " RDX" , ylab = " RDY" )
2021-05-26 10:16:29 +02:00
cellStats ( r.wenr.rd.wdvi , ' mean' ) #0.1350561
2021-05-18 18:19:28 +02:00
# Furthermore we can see
# shows coordinates in RD
# returns a rectangle, thus the shape of the polygon submitted is not clipped.
# The polygon was provided in WGS84. Let's draw it on top.
# First convert the raster to WGS84
r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi <- projectRaster ( r.wenr.rd.wdvi , crs = CRS ( ' +init=EPSG:4326' ) )
# Draw a polygon on top of the raster
# Example polygon p1
# p1 <- data.frame(id = 1, wkt = 'POLYGON((4.963 52.801, 4.966 52.801, 4.966 52.803, 4.963 52.803, 4.963 52.801))')
# p1 <- st_as_sf(p1, wkt = 'wkt', crs = targetcrs)
# plot(p1,add=TRUE, col="transparent",border="black")
# Draw the polygon on top of the raster
# Polygon p2 from C:\git\FarmMapsApiClient_WURtest\FarmmapsDataDownload\DataDownloadInput.json
2021-05-26 10:16:29 +02:00
p2 <- data.frame ( id = 1 , wkt = gsub ( " \n" , " " , ' P O L Y G O N ( (
4.960707146896585 52.800583669708487 ,
4.960645975538824 52.800470217610922 ,
4.962140695752897 52.799177147194797 ,
4.967523821195745 52.801502400041208 ,
4.966336768950911 52.802543735879809 ,
4.961711880764330 52.801009996856429 ,
4.960707146896585 52.800583669708487 ) ) ' ) )
# Polygon p2 from C:\git\FarmMapsApiClient_WURtest\FarmmapsBulkSatDownload\BulkSatDownloadInput.json
2021-05-18 18:19:28 +02:00
p2 <- data.frame ( id = 1 , wkt = gsub ( " \n" , " " , ' P O L Y G O N ( (
3.37837807779104 51.3231095796538 ,
3.38065689232502 51.3212527499355 ,
3.38022924592256 51.3210683536359 ,
3.37980548452565 51.3208801127141 ,
3.37959556105776 51.3207540143696 ,
3.3793691292654 51.3205959677371 ,
3.37822219207335 51.3215667913007 ,
3.37816999925795 51.3216109809456 ,
3.37646704574705 51.3208025481261 ,
3.37646695791282 51.3208025061493 ,
3.37608401443192 51.3206231652693 ,
3.37607169507628 51.3206173959751 ,
3.37606021048754 51.320612017601 ,
3.37582728410659 51.3205029306946 ,
3.37580409779263 51.3206502985963 ,
3.37575872019649 51.3207993094705 ,
3.37575476634361 51.3208122883487 ,
3.37571181656268 51.3208797459348 ,
3.3756624532907 51.3209415238446 ,
3.37557609963811 51.3210110142077 ,
3.37541089899821 51.3211055871218 ,
3.37477516102591 51.3214102985009 ,
3.37473173914127 51.3214311108204 ,
3.37455904622072 51.3215138815012 ,
3.37415098054777 51.3217199232877 ,
3.37313700916272 51.3222422862785 ,
3.37748824689601 51.3242852920348 ,
3.37749760805371 51.3242713084009 ,
3.37811903757028 51.3233437635596 ,
3.37818758851947 51.3232647797363 ,
3.37823803668144 51.3232236798646 ,
3.37837807779104 51.3231095796538 ) ) ' ) )
p2.wgs84 <- st_as_sf ( p2 , wkt = ' wkt' , crs = CRS ( ' +init=EPSG:4326' ) )
# Or other way round, in RD Amersfoort. That looks ok
p2.rd <- st_transform ( p2.wgs84 , " +init=epsg:28992" )
# Have a look at both
# wg84
dev.off ( )
plot ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi , main = paste ( " wdvi" , imgdate ) , xlab = " LON" , ylab = " LAT" )
plot ( p2.wgs84 , add = TRUE , col = " transparent" , border = " red" )
# RD
dev.off ( )
plot ( r.wenr.rd.wdvi , main = paste ( " wdvi" , imgdate ) , xlab = " RDX" , ylab = " RDY" )
plot ( p2.rd , add = TRUE , col = " transparent" , border = " red" )
#Let's clip the polygon
r.wenr.rd.wdvi.pol <- mask ( r.wenr.rd.wdvi , p2.rd )
r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi.pol <- mask ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi , p2.wgs84 )
dev.off ( )
plot ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi.pol , main = paste ( " wdvi" , imgdate ) , xlab = " LON" , ylab = " LAT" )
plot ( p2.wgs84 , add = TRUE , col = " transparent" , border = " red" )
#That's what we want! Now compare the stats
2021-05-26 10:16:29 +02:00
cellStats ( r.wenr.rd.wdvi , ' mean' ) # [1] 0.1350561 # Stats from rectangle, RD
cellStats ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi , ' mean' ) # [1] 0.1351411 # Stats from rectangle, WGS84
cellStats ( r.wenr.rd.wdvi.pol , ' mean' ) # [1] 0.05723957 # Stats from raster clipped by polygon, RD
cellStats ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi.pol , ' mean' ) # [1] 0.05723607 # Stats from raster clipped by polygon, WGS84
# file SatelliteDataStatistics_test_satData_wdvi_2020-09-22.csv
# "mean": 0.057430520945401985 # SatelliteDataStatistics_test_satData_wdvi_2020.csv returns stats for the clipped raster (.pol). 'mean' almost the same, maybe
# cellStats cannot return median, just a few stats.
cellStats ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi.pol , ' median' ) # Error in .local(x, stat, ...) : invalid 'stat'. Should be sum, min, max, sd, mean, or 'countNA'
r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi.vals <- values ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi )
median ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi.vals ) # [1] NA
median ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi.vals , na.rm = TRUE ) # [1] 0.076
r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi.pol.vals <- values ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi.pol )
median ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi.pol.vals ) # [1] NA
median ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi.pol.vals , na.rm = TRUE ) # [1] 0.048
# "median": 0.04800000041723251 # SatelliteDataStatistics_test_satData_wdvi_2020.csv returns stats for the clipped raster (.pol).
# An image may contain NA values. Check:
cellStats ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi , ' countNA' ) # [1] 22956
ncell ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi ) # [1] 221696
cellStats ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi , ' countNA' ) / ncell ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi ) # [1] 0.1035472 # 10% no data? doesn't show in the plot?
cellStats ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi.pol , ' countNA' ) # [1] 147387
summary ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi.pol.vals ) # shows the same: NA's: 147387
ncell ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi.pol ) # [1] 221696
cellStats ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi.pol , ' countNA' ) / ncell ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi.pol ) # [1] 0.6648158 # 66% no data? doesn't show in the plot?
2021-05-18 18:19:28 +02:00
# The project FarmmapsNbs can generate a wenr.tif file, application.tif, uptake.tif (in rtest1.uptake.zip)and shape.shp (in rtest1.taskmap.zip)
r.application <- raster ( " C:/git/FarmMapsApiClient_WURtest/FarmmapsNbs/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/Downloads/application.tif" )
dev.off ( )
plot ( r.application )
plot ( p2.rd , add = TRUE , col = " transparent" , border = " red" )
# The application.tif file is a rectangle (polygon not yet clipped), in projection Amersfoort RD New (EPSG:28992)
r.uptake <- raster ( " C:/git/FarmMapsApiClient_WURtest/FarmmapsNbs/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/Downloads/uptake.tif" )
dev.off ( )
plot ( r.uptake )
plot ( p2.rd , add = TRUE , col = " transparent" , border = " red" )
# The uptake.tif file is a rectangle (polygon not yet clipped), in projection Amersfoort RD New (EPSG:28992)
shp.wgs84 <- readOGR ( dsn = " C:/git/FarmMapsApiClient_WURtest/FarmmapsNbs/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/Downloads" , layer = " shape" )
crs ( shp.wgs84 )
# CRS arguments: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
dev.off ( )
plot ( r.wenr.wgs84.wdvi , main = " wdvi" , xlab = " LON" , ylab = " LAT" )
plot ( shp.wgs84 , add = TRUE , col = " transparent" , border = " black" )
plot ( p2.wgs84 , add = TRUE , col = " transparent" , border = " red" )
# The shape file is in WGS84